Hey guys, just creating this thread for those of you who wish you find a team for VoG on [u]Xbox One ONLY[/u] as there is also one for the PS4 somewhere on the forums :)
Post Lvl & GT below, enjoy guys!
[I'm always down for doing the raid, even if i've already done it within the week so [b]any[/b] of those who need help whether you are first time started or experienced hard mode raiders, i'm an additional member you could add to your team :)
[b]GT - JHarrison 95 ------ Lvl 29 Hunter ------[/b]
Edit: Holy crap guys! 200,000 replies! I'm glad this has helped you all and hope it has created a few new fresh raid teams during the process!
You guys are [b]AWESOME![/b]
Keep it up Guardians!
have 3 for vog fresh run need 3 more send message on xbox for invite. gt is the same^
Need 3 for hard crota cp bridge msg GT W ii c K ii D
Need 4 people for normal crota checkpoint lv 31 warlock
I'm a lvl 32 hunter looking for 3 ppl lvl 31 an up to do hard vog fresh start must have a headset to communicate thnx msg my gt for a inv-Mrs Kr0NiCa
Vog templar cp msg vxg x wavezz
Need 2 or 3 warlocks with icebreakers to cheese the bridge encounter on normal crota raid, we will be doing this part only and not the rest. Message gt above for invite
At crota normal need 5
I'm a level 28 Hunter based in the UK and looking to complete the Vault of Glass raid on Normal. I have attempted it twice but not completed it, furthest I have got is to the kill the templar stage. Would like to complete it. Please send me a message or invite. GT is S RaJ
ed 1 more good 32 for FRESH Normal Vog run we are trying to get Flawless raider so be prepared to wipe if someone dies. Msg me on X1 for invite - graham1387
Searching For A Raid Group (VOG) -Fresh Start -Titan Level 31 -Have Experience -Have A Mic -GT: Fresh Clique (Message Or Invite Me)
GT M4ST3R BL4STIN need team for VOG hard . Level 31 warlock
VOG SPEED RUN on normal xb1 Lvl 31 warlock Only requirement is to have experience with VOG Gt iBurny
Hey, need team for VoG - on xbox 1. I am a lvl 30 warlock and I know what to do GT: Fufu 124... Thanks!
#lfm (Xbox One) *Hard Mode* Need 1 more lvl 32 for Crota Checkpoint . Messege me @ Im Juss Saiyan for an invite.
[quote]Need 2 30+ players Must have weapons for Oracles Message gamertags Ripkord86 Xdirty rat[/quote]
Need 1 for hard conflux Msg StickinGod for invite
Need people that want to raid within the next two days. We have run many raids since 4am reset and still have a lot of people to assist. About to run a Vault of glass on hard for Xbox one. Send me an Xbox message to be invited And add me as a friend if you need a good team to raid with. We always have space and complete them in 45 mins or less Gamertag: xDirty Rat All level 32's Xbox 360 and Xbox one
Need one for vog
Looking for level 31+ with at least one 32 hunter swordbearer. We are starting fresh for hard raid. Message LGN Sharkie, FROZEN DUST 4, or o Stealth Viper to join. We have 3 more spots.
Need 3 for Crota cp Lvl 32 only. Max gally or a good sword runner. Getting it done fast Message gt for inv. Gt is same as username. Or post gt below for inv.
Need help for VOG, first time raid! GT L0NE FURYAN (The 0 is the number) Level 29 Hunter
BiggBaddVladd - level 31 Titan Let's get it
Lf fresh run normal crota have done it on hard and normal message me onetothebrain
Anyone care to give me oracle cp?
Two hunters , lvl 31 & 30 looking for group to join to do either raids, invite Kingdon616
Lvl 32 warlock looking for Atheon hard cp inv OhhMerx