Correction : I'm bad at PvP when I'm limited to running around with a damned shotgun or fusion rifle as my only source of kills.
theres heavies also, and thats probably the first time I've seen someone complaining about running around with shotguns
Yeah I know...I like to actually play cautiously and tactically. I got all of that "DURRR I ONLY KNOW HOW SHOTGUN WHAT IS RIFLE??" mindset out of my system when I used to play Gears. It's not the PvP part that bothers me. Managed to score of the Invective and Bad Juju bounties and cleared out both pretty easily. The Crucible part was a cake walk. But limiting me to a particular damage type when only one primary weapon actually has that elemental damage type caused me to put this bounty in the burn pile.
Go do strikes until you find a weapon you're happy with for crucible that's what I did. Now I'm stuck on the last part lol it's very very bad
Yeah I heard that Xyor the Unwed is a bigger nightmare than this.
Yeah it's making the crucible part look real easy