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originally posted in: Free DLC/patch to fix story petition
Edited by Revan Darkside: 10/7/2014 9:14:11 AM
The story was hugely cut, everyone knows this. So many cut scenes were removed or altered to make an impossibly boring non story. Considering on the case it says Rich Cinematic storytelling, I don't feel anyone got that. For the record and I have said this before but I am not asking for new levels or multiplayer maps in the DLC I am asking for. I asking for the cut scenes in the story mode to actually be cinematic and full. ie the queen noticing what race you are, that includes her brother and the ghost at that. The story to be twitched so that it's a real story mode, with real missing that make sense. All the things that it was shown to be before sine huge cuts. I can't see any anyone stay around for 2 years let alone 10 with a real story to keep you wanting more. That's what I am asking for a proper story mode, as we should all have that so we all then want add on content. That is add on not what we already paid for and getting charged again.

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  • The story is what it is and Bungie owes you nothing. If an author decides to change the story of his book 6 months before publishing it he doesn't owe you the original story. The story you purchased was the story you got. Maybe you should have waited on the reviews before spending your money on the game. If you don't like what you got take it back, or don't buy the dlc. Do you complain at McDonald's that you want the burger in the picture advertisement instead of the sorry excuse for a hamburger they actually served you? You would really have 2 choices; Eat the burger or get a refund. Either way it's up to you if you keep going back for more. When you create something you have full control over what you create it is yours and no one else's. The changes you make belong to you. You do not owe it to anyone as it is yours. Stop being self entitled. If Bungie decides to release more free story missions it will be because they want to, not because they owe it to you. The fastest way to not get something you want is to tell someone it is owed to you, when it isn't.

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  • And the easiest way to destroy a franchise you have invested millions in, is to rip your fans off. We are entitled to be angry, and if Bungie still want to make money on Destiny, they need to address the many issues this games has.

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  • Bungie didnt' rip you off. They gave you a complete game in which you didn't like the story of. Even if the half of players that dislike the game and never play it again. There will still be the other half of players that enjoy the game and will keep playing. Bungie will still make money on the game. They made back all of their money within the first week which not all games do. If there are issues with the game that you don't like, list them out under #feedback. Let Bungie know what you want to see. Give constructive feedback. Don't just say the game sucks. Please note however that this is intended to be a 10 year life cycle and that the story will be built upon during that time. Also the game is intended to be a grindy mmo like game. Bungie probably won't change this either. If you don't like these types of games then Destiny may not be for you. You wouldn't buy a Madden game and tell EA you like shooters so give the players guns would you?

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  • Have you even read ANY of the posts online from people that actually worked on the game? Do some research. What we have is a FRACTION of what was intended. Because of staff changes and them not wanting to delay the release they cut the heart out of the game that has been PROMISED and showcased for over 2 years! If you can't understand why people are upset then you are just another mindless conformist that belongs with the other sheep. Companies rip us off because we let them. Ever heard of the squeaky wheel gets the oil? Probably not you're probably like 18 and don't know any better. If that's the case I forgive you. If not you had better wake up. Just because YOU the minority enjoy this mindless game does NOT mean everyone else has to be satisfied.

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  • I thought this was the was the feedback section. The tidal wave of negative feedback that Bungie have received over this game, will affect future sales, dlc and sequels and hurts the otherwise brilliant reputation of their company. They need address this not just for us, but for themselves. They could just take the money and run, but then what will happen to their company and intellectual property. We are entitled to criticise and to expect a fix if not compensation, companies do this all the time when they screw up, it restores consumer trust. All of that being said I appreciate that you enjoy this game and don't see it as flawed.

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  • This is the feedback section but I dont' see you listing off your reasons. You only stated that you were ripped off. I never said the game was perfect. The topic was about a petition for free DLC. Instead of asking for free stuff give constructive feedback.

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  • I thought it was obvious, I'm in agreement with the original post on the thread. I feel that the story in this game is terrible, it's empty, there just isn't anything there. Either they forgot to write one, which is highly unlikely, or it was cut for some reason. In addition to that it is lacking content, no one intends for their game to be "grindy", they certainly don't advertise it as such. Finally and not really related to this thread the lack of chat between players, or any sort of social features is a huge oversight. Some elements of this game are so bad it is like someone deliberately sabotaged it, because we all know Bungie are capable of better. Again I know you won't agree, but you can't fail to see that a lot of the player feedback and reviews have been damning. This is going to hurt their reputation and future business, if it isn't fixed.

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  • Have you every played a game besides Destiny and decided you didn't like the story and therefore were owed by the Company? Did you stop playing the game and move on?

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  • No that has never happened before, because all they other games I have played actually have a story, this one does not. Your obviously satisfied with 8 cut scenes that don't even flirt with the idea of explaining what is happening, but I don't. I don't know why your standards for what this game should be are so low, but for me it does not live up to the promise and hype Bungie gave it. Just look around these forums, the future of this franchise and their credibility hinges on how they handle the negative reviews and comments. You love this game, at the moment I debating whether to wait for the dlc (free or otherwise) or sell it. In the end the sales for Destiny 2 (if it even gets made), will prove who is right here, but at the moment you have to admit it doesn't look good.

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  • There is a story. This guy explains it pretty well. [url=]Destiny Story[/url] I've played many games without stories and they've been great. A game doesn't need to have a fantastic story to be good. There are tons of games out there like that. I look forward to see Bungie expand on the story and go more in detail on the different races and factions and to find out more about what is going on with the traveler and the darkness.

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  • There is a story. You may not like it but it is there. It is intended to be grindy. That's why there are daily missions, weekly strikes. Raid. There are special currencies that are earned by grinding the same content over and over to reach a cap. The raid loot is random and is needed to max level. The non raid gear is timed so it cannot be earned in a single week because of currency cap. These are all grindy aspects. It is what they intended. If you bought it without looking at any reviews of the game or playing the alpha / beta then that's on you. All the signs were there from the beginning. No they didn't come out and say this game will be a grind, but the signs were there. There is in game chat amongst fireteams. The lack of proximity chat is due to Bungie's past history with in game open chat in Halo. It was terrible, there were kids learning to curse everywhere. Every time I played I would have to mute 3-5 kids. They could improve on this system and they stated they would look into it. There are some bad reviews yes, but I bet Bungie is also looking at people playing the game, which most of the people who are complaining about the game are playing the crap out of the game. Like 70-130hrs. If everyone says it sucks but yet people can't stop playing it and keep buying the DLC then what does that say to Bungie?

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  • Hey just please look up the 404 architect thread on reddit he was am employee that worjed on this game. Please read what we were supposed to get. And you'll understand why people are upset. If after you read it you still disagree thats fine but please see where we are coming from.

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  • I read it. If the guy had given any proof or was verified by reddit than what he side might have been conceivable but he gave zero proof and only restated a bunch of conspiracy theories from the forums. Bungie denied he worked for them and Reddit removed it because the guy didn't follow the AMA rules on verification. One person says some stuff on Reddit and you believe every word they say. Why? Because you want to believe in what they say. Belief does not make something true though. I think the guy could come out and say he made it all up as well as Reddit, Bungie, the Pope, and the President and you would still probably believe it to be true. This is how conspiracy theories work.

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  • Its called non disclosure agreements. He could be sued and face jail time. What about the e3 video where the developers laid out what the game was supposed to be. This game was supoised to be much more. I'm not saying I hate it. I still play. The music, the graphics, the combat. There is ALOT of good in this game. I just feel there was supposed to be so much more.

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  • Also Non Disclosure agreements are for Third Party individuals. They are used for when a company shares confidential information with an outside source. Companies don't usually make their own employees sign NDA's because they already have confidentiality rules built into their employment contract.

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  • Reddit allows you to verify that you who you claim you are and still remain anonymous. It's described in detail on the AMA FAQ page. Here's how the conspiracy theory works, A different person could claim to be from Bungie or even someone you know who is from Bungie could come out and say that the other guy was a fake and you would still believe the reddit guy. I doubt there is anything that would change your mind on the subject because it is what you believe. Just because you believe it doesn't make it true. I've watched the E3 videos. It's very much like they describe. There were a few changes but that's to be expected as part of the software development cycle. Really in any product. Things are subject to change until the product is released. That is a part of life. The do this all the time with movies. They usually have multiple different endings that they test out to see which gets the best reaction and then they change it to that one for release. Software is a little different because it's easy to plan everything in the world it's much harder to actually deliver. Things get cut out to meet deadlines. Again same for movies things get cut out to fit time, pacing, etc. These things are not owed to anyone.

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  • My guess, it means they either like the game or have nothing better to do and are waiting for something else to release.

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