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Edited by Dash: 10/26/2014 3:28:10 AM

Funniest PvP or PvE Moment!

I just had my funniest crucible moment last night. What's the funniest moment you've had in the game so far? My moment might not be funny to everyone.

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  • I like the title of the video, bad kids are bad, because warlocks using the suros are very bad indeed :P

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    • Was playing control awhile back with 5 other friends in my fireteam. We ended up facing off against another group of 6 who were obviously better at team pvp than us (for the record, my group rarely plays pvp). The other team ended up taking out the other 5 members of my team at one of the flags while I was en-route to join them, and they were shouting "they're all at B!" I turned the corner and wiped them all out with my nova bomb before dying, and responded with "Not anymore". We all had a good laugh on that one.

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    • I was on patrol earth when the event incoming notification pitched up,I notice I'm standing where it's going to land so I hop on my sparrow and move like hell ten seconds later there's a blinding flash and I'm hit by a warsat

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      • Was playing skirmish with 2 other guys, absolutely stomping on the other teams. At one point 2 guys on the other team backed out leaving 1 gut by himself. He tried to clutch it by himself but failed a few times before giving up and dancing and feeding us kills. After killing him a couple times, we decided to dance with him, and spent the rest of the game like that, with one other guy joining into the game and our party. Much lols were had that night

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        • Waiting for people to get back from a break, up on the spawn before the Templar fight. Using sunslinger I switched to the melee perk that pushes back people. Yelled out "falcon PUNCH" and starting knocking people off the ledge.

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        • 2 arc blades fighting. lol

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          • My fireteam and I had just gotten to the 4 pikes on the Arkon Priest strike and I decided not to use one and just use my legendary sparrow. As I launched off a giant hill I was soaring for a good 5 seconds and landed directly on top my teammate on a pike. He immediately exploded and I boosted off like nothing happened. He was dumbfoundead (Parker reference, intentional wrong spelling) and I laughed and laughed and laughed.

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            • I shot a guy on his sparrow he hopped off of it and in front of it and it ran him over I got the kill laughed so hard

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            • Was doing patrols on mars, staggered a Phalanx and melee him... [spoiler]He proceeded to get knocked to the other side of the map, lol. About 300m. Literally watched him fly horizontally for quite some time. Then he started walking back but I figured he had been through enough and moved on :)[/spoiler]

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              • Edited by THE_ALPHA_KLLER: 10/28/2014 5:21:24 AM
                I was fighting a legionary and phalanx while on patrol on Mars and just for the heck of it I was going to activate Radiant Skin. As the animation starts (your char goes up into the air and creates that mini sun above its head) the phalanx decides to push me and I go flying to the other side of the map until I hit a sandy hill. As this was happening I saw another guardian just staring at me and pointing at me as I go flying by. Hahaha. Too good!

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              • Edited by CRockDad: 10/27/2014 10:34:41 PM
                I was doing a good job of defending point A on First Light by myself. I see an enemy on my radar, by the side door towards the turret. I decide to take the fight to him with my invective. I spin around the corner and catch a dumbfounded hunter mid-golden gun. He misses, he dies. But it gets better. I return to A, by the windows and see my foe has respawned. He starts shooting at the window, obviously upset at his shut down. I begin dancing because, you know, why not? He he keeps firing, I dont know if it's frustration or what, but he's been standing still out in the open for several seconds as I dance my warlock butt off. BLAM! A sniper round rips through his little hunter head and my teammate runs up to his body and waves at me. Perfect example of team work in pvp I've ever seen.

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                • My funniest moment: [spoiler]I was playing control/clash I don't remember which. I was on the large Mars map. A titan used his bubble and started dancing. I was off a good ways watching him through my sniper scope. His bubble suddenly dropped. Then my screen said Kill: 100 Headshot: 10. It was awesome.[/spoiler]

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                  • Edited by LeMikeey: 10/27/2014 12:56:32 PM
                    i remember having a bladedancer on my ass, so i just made as if i was hiding but instead i ran off the map and that idiot just followed me hha he even msg'd me and said "nice one sir" lmao

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                    • Talking on the phone during a respawn timer... It spawns me without pushing x. Someone starts shooting me from the back, so I reach down and activate Fists of havoc for a double lol :) Never saw anyone, it's good to be a Titan

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                      • Archon priest strike...friend went to shoot a rocket at the boss...boss teleports right in front of him as he shoots resulting in a suicide. The laughing was non-stop for 10 minutes.

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                      • I was testing out my new legendary sparrow out in the crucible, which I got with an upgrade from xur. I was on Bastion for control, where this guy comes round the corner in an interceptor, as you know it has a slow fire rate. Cue guy trying to hit me with a rocket every 3 seconds with me just dodging them, he starts to chase me around the little sniper spire near zone C. After getting rather annoyed with me just avoiding him, he decides to climb out and pulls out a gjallarhorn and is loading it. As soon as he tries to take a shot, I boost forwards, dodging the shot by a hair, right into the guy and killing him. He ragequitted, I then got a message from someone in their team saying they were sniping, saw the whole thing and couldn't kill me because they were laughing so hard.

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                        • I pull Kevin's daily. Like a boss.

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                        • I got a triple with one solar grenade after I died. I was happy and confused, because no one can be that stupid.

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                          • I never got into cod or halo, tea bagging is new to me. I find it hilarious when people do it to me for some sick reason.

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                            • The bubble is always nice for fun moments. In pvp pop a bubble then dance in it. When people get in punch them to death with help of the blinding and enormous amount of armor you get and start dancing again to lure in the next one :D In pve popping it in front of the doors enemies spawn out of, blinding them and punching all of them.

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                            • Titan fist of havoc death from above acroos the platforming part of the raid. My friend was already down there dancing and i proceeded to launch my body over the ledge... Fly over the gap... And smash into my teammate which made him fly at a supersonic speed into the back wall and die :D

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                            • I once used self revive and instantly got flung so far the map was a small square in the centre of the screen

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                            • In a party with one of my friends shortly after launch. He goes afk and I grab my sparrow and slowly nudge him towards the edge of the Hellmouth on the Moon. As he returns I activate the boost and watch as he flies into the ravine at high speed. I was met with a string of "you dick!" for the next 2 minutes.

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                              Popped my defender bubble and proceeded to wave and dance at a guy on b flag. One of his buddies ran in behind me and shotgun/melee'd me

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                            • I had a titan shoulder charging me and hit him in the head with a throwing knife (he was damaged so it killed him immediately) looked very funny as he was running with his head in front like a bull and went on his face lol

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                              • When I shoot a guy with Thorn and he's pretty close to death. Then I just stand there without moving and he tries to finish me off but drops dead in front me.

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