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10/7/2014 4:43:08 PM
I am understanding that you fail to understand, that the only real way to play the RNG in your favor at higher levels is to play the Tiger playlist. And to do so, you have to kill, not drive by on your speeder. Sure I could play the Wombat level or whatever the lowest strike playlist is, but I get noticeably less blues and more greens. After doing the weekly, nightfall, and a strikes my marks are damn near full. Perhaps if you challenged yourself more you'd get marks quicker. Christ, I'm usually full on marks by Wednesday, and that's with working all day every day. Do the nightfall first, then weekly on max, then daily on max, then clean up with Tiger. But I guess your ilk is good with just racing to the end to dump lead into a bullet sponge for the chance of getting two shit blues that are already decrypted. Can't fix stupid. That's why when I see you twats race ahead or find a corner and camp, I go to orbit.

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