Bungie is probably prioritizing what does the most good to the greatest number of players. Fixing the engram system was a huge step in the right direction for a great many people. I'm willing to bet there was far more frustration over that than there was a demand to buff Thorn and Bad Juju - especially when comparatively few players would even have it.
The changes to weapons are coming, but they have bigger issues to contend with first.
Bungie isn't priortizing, they're picking at the low hanging fruit. Hell, in this case the fruit is just rotting on the ground.
[quote]Fixing the engram system was a huge step in the right direction for a great many people. I'm willing to bet there was far more frustration over that than there was a demand to buff Thorn and Bad [/quote]i disagree. The only thing that patch did was fuk me over even more than before. Now I barely find any engrams at all. At least before, I could turn in engrams and level up with the cryptard or get coins out of the engrams/level-ups. So they made the engram system worse, and we still have exotics that (based on popular opinion) suck. Lose-lose patch. Good job bungie.