FIX the Frackin reload!!!
Running should NOT abort a weapon reload mid load. We are already plagued with tiny ammo clips on suposedly 'Advanced' weapon systems. I can't tell you how many times (in pve not fracked up broken pvp) I have died because moving my ass a little aborted the reload with giant Martian turtle-tards all over me.
If we as players can process the combat well enough and quick enough to run and gun, fracking let us!!!!
The weapon in specific I am talking about is my Legendary Hand Cannon. 12 in the clip (ooh impressive) and absolutely useless in crucible. This cobat system is ok but there are so many things that break its flow...
My point is that it artificially breaks the flow of combat for me. I am certaily able to run inbettween a load of enemies and take them out pretty fast. My aim is good (about 40% precision shots in pve) but I can't fire an unloaded weapon. Oh and friken melee attack (including throw knife) also breaks the reload, so even if we get a throwing knife out we just messed up our reload again. Making throwing knife almost useless except vs the very last enemy. I'm not saying I can't cope. I am saying it breaks the joy of slaughtering pve mobs (which is about all this game has going for it lately)