I hope which ever designer thought it'd be cool for us to go run around the crucible killing with a void damage to get this revolver has a strong a beautiful family.
I hope he has a son that he's proud of and hopes to see grow and flourish into a proud young man with his entire life ahead of him.
And then I hope somebody kills that son with void damage.
As other have said, it's not difficult, just time consuming. I ran around for 10-15 games with a shotgun/fusion rifle combo. The next bit was more annoying. Actually scratch that. Finding 2 others to donate their time for no reward was more annoying. Now I have it, I'm indifferent. It's certainly not as nice as the Exotic's people on my friends list have been tripping over in the strike and crucible playlists. Now I'm nearing the end of my second exotic bounty (pulse rifle) this weekend only to find out the two exotics I will have are the lamest in the game.