I'm at 400+/500 after well under 10 crucible matches and i'm not even good at pvp. But i probably have it easier than some as i'm a warlock/voidwalker. My grenades are void, my super is void and i have legendary fusion rifle with void ;) It's not that hard as long as you don't die twice as much as you kill, you even get points just for assists i think...
As a Warlock you have it way WAY easier as for example a Hunter. No void grenades nor specials.
Yes just what i said ;) it's still doable if your kd is at least 0.5, surely takes longer though and you're stuck using only your secondary :/
You don't get points for assists.
Ok you're right, no assists . It's +5 points for killing, -2 for dying, still easy, anyone with kd as low as 0.5 would still progress