lol the gun is terrible anyway. range, impact, stability, mag size, reload speed (nearly 4 seconds!) of a level 1 hand cannon. it's upgrades just patches some of it's massive weaknesses, they don't actually make it into a good weapon.
it might be worth getting whenever they finally get around to buffing it (whenever that is) but for now your time is more wisely spent doing nightfalls, crucible, weeklies strikes and etc for an actually good weapon.
i played at a friends apt on his guy and he had hawkmoon... holy crap, even without upgrades it's a true top tier weapon worthy of being called exotic.
Well I saw a dude play with the Thorn in the Iron Banner and he was wrecking faces. The aditional poison damage is sweet.
it's a nice gimmick but ultimately it falls short of most exotics which are good weapons w/ a gimmick - thorn is a bad weapon w a gimmick. seriously outside of damage it's stats are that of a level 1 hand cannon, that's just atrocious.