FIX the Frackin reload!!!
Running should NOT abort a weapon reload mid load. We are already plagued with tiny ammo clips on suposedly 'Advanced' weapon systems. I can't tell you how many times (in pve not fracked up broken pvp) I have died because moving my ass a little aborted the reload with giant Martian turtle-tards all over me.
If we as players can process the combat well enough and quick enough to run and gun, fracking let us!!!!
The weapon in specific I am talking about is my Legendary Hand Cannon. 12 in the clip (ooh impressive) and absolutely useless in crucible. This cobat system is ok but there are so many things that break its flow...
If you are reloading a gun, and you let go of the magazine to punch/palm/knife somebody, it's unreasonable to think you've been reloading the gun at the same time. If you are reloading and you break out into a sprint, good freaking luck being able to swap out magazines and load the first bullet into the chamber. Be glad your hand cannon is NOT a revolver and that you can reload it by magazines instead of loading each bullet one by one the way you would a shotgun. It's part realism, and part balance. If you need to reload your gun, you need to get into cover... or learn to dodge bullets so that you can reload in the open. If you're going to use your melee, you can't be dealing with your gun (maybe fire it, but that's already possible, to fire and let go of your gun to do your melee near simultaneously after). Plus, if you're in the air, you can handle reloading just fine. You can double jump (or triple jump) before reaching the ground to allow yourself full time to reload, then continue sprinting as you touch the ground, keeping up your speed. Using this, you can basically ignore the rule of walking to reload. Of course, sunsinger warlocks already spend more than half their time in the air, so it might just be something more second-nature to me instead of you or a titan who seem to spend more of your time on the ground... But yeah, that feature is there.