originally posted in:StreamerHouse
Title says it all i am looking for people to play with like doing strikes or maybe raids got a lvl 25 warlock
PSN: CrucibleGhost
PSN- firerunner123 level 29 warlock and 25 titan add me i do the weeklies and raids; i have a mic
could you join my clan please i need 3 people to join then we will get rewards for things because we are in a clan or something bungie said so. so come join
Lvl 24 hunter max gunslinger and bladedancee
I need people to do weekly heroics Psn ctar17 PS3 I only play on weekends
Level: 19 Character: Titan Console: PS3 Gamertag: Jaminahat98 Looking for players to play regularly, farming, strike missions and crucible.
Psn: frajul10 Level 28 warlock add me
Psn PincheGeezus Level 23 Titan Mic and all
I will play with you but I dont get back home till the weekend. srry here is my PSN; Sniped_by_Vlad