Can I ask why?
I mean honestly Gearbox before Borderlands was a fairly small team, and still very much is a small team. They didn't have the triple AAA budget you did. Yet they some how managed to provide us with about 5x the amount of content... BL2 built up on it as it should and was once again successful and has about x10 the amount of content Destiny has.
Comparing it to Guild Wars 2 the same can be seen, and that's only the default game not including the living story (which has recently seen adding new campagin missions, in new maps, with god forbid... a story).
Hell even WoW has more story than this does but I won't go into that..
My concern is that this game has a 10 year plan but... they're already dug themselves into a hole. Everyone knows that Gearbox is very likely to be looking at creating a MMOFPS game very similiar to this, in fact the ending of BL2 effectively confirmed it. There was vaults across countless planets which sets up the end game raids. The pre-game is experimenting with a Air system and different levels of gravity - I wonder why...
The pre-game is simply going to be Gearbox 'testing' the waters, it's similiar to how Farcry 3 is simply designed to show off the Farcry engine or Half-Life 2 was to show what Source could do. This is very much the same, while Gearbox have not made the game it wouldn't surprise me if this direction was simply taken for two reasons;
#1 The community wanted another DLC pack that took place on the Hyperion Moonbase, Gearbox listened but instead made it a game in itself deciding it out source it undoubtedly in order to give them time to work on their next big release.
#2 The moon serves as a perfect place to test new mechanics that can be applied to other worlds, beyond the confines of Pandora of the past two games. There is no atmosphere and gravity can be played with in the engine without recieving negativity that Destiny has recieved.
So in 10 years time will Destiny survive?
Not to mention the fact Borderlands actually had a reason to keep playing, you can find a legendary but it might not have good stats, leading you to push harder and harder until you found that perfect sweet gun that you worked so hard to get. Suddernly that guy who just got it for the first time is still in awe of you. He might have the same gun by name, but by stats it's completely different.
Not to mention the fact guns are 20x more interesting to begin with. Vanguard, Dead Orbit, Future War, New Monarchy... the guns play exactly the same. Even many of the exotics may as well just be a re-skined legendary with 1 extra attribute. (the Thorn for example...) so my question is how the hell can Destiny survive the coming storm?
This game once you hit 30 has nothing more to do, once you got all the exotics what then? Make another character to do it all over again? Trudge through the same shallow, dull, uninteresting story? No thank you.
Hopefully Bungie can make the next game better or very least adopt a similiar stance to GW2 but with actual content drops instead of having some random NPC with more pointless bounties and skins.
A BL mmo would destroy me! Would love this.