So... what happens when we played all the Nightfall, Weekly Heroic Strikes and Raids and at the same time gotten very lucky with some of the drops and when Xur comes what he sells you is crap or going to be nerfed (Suros Regime) essentially making some of these hard earned coins useless. At this point, Bungie needs to have a trading/auction system for things in the game.
For example, in EA sports games, players can auction off rare player cards for in-game currency which they can use for other stuff. Why can't we have a system where players can auction off certain items (exotics, legendaries, Shards, raid gear) that you can't purchase otherwise where players would essentially bid for items using Strange Coins or Motes of Light (whichever user specifies). It would be fun to see how stupid/desperate players are for gear.
Sort of is as u can buy stuff then rip it down to get materials to upgrade stuff you use. Plus his stuff changes all the time so always worth keeping just incase something awesome comes up. Plus auction would allow poor or lazy players to get top stuff n take the satisfaction out of earning stuff. Should really have another shop for coins or bigger selection and more vanguard shops too. Plus maybe rotate legendary norm shops stock too
This type of system would be cool. At first I thought you wanted real currency auctions. Then I would have said hell no! But I don't see anything wrong with an in game auction type deal