originally posted in:D E V I A N T
Since Bungie has decided to only allow 100 people at a time to carry the <DEV> tag in game, I'm trying to figure out a solution that allows those you truly want to have the tag get the tag. Now I have some of you folks as friends in game so I can identify some of the unlinked forum members and those folks are safe. But I need to figure out a better solution to identify those of you who want to be here for mutual benefits and not just to have DEV sitting behind your name.
I never expected the explosion of dedicated and spectacular folks I have met and killed mobs with and I just dont want to let anyone down.
Thank you!
My feeling is that the clan will operate better with a smaller number of members and hence why the tag limit is there. A clan with a 1000 members may seem cool, but it becomes not much different from just playing with random strangers. When I joined the clan I remember you saying that it was for PS4, and yet there are constant Xbox folk posting in the clan forums so something is amiss here too. Not sure the exact solution to the problem, but happy to help work on any ideas for a fix. My feelings are, small is beautiful.
So how would I link it? And how would I know it's linked
I think we should but give them sometime and a heads up if they don't add it they will be removed. If you are a clan member you should show it with your tag. I am not sure if you posted the steps of how to link your ps4 acct to the clan but if you having not maybe people didn't know they have to link it after they join the clan. Sorry for my poor english :)
That might be a good idea but we could also just make sub deviant clans and ally them with eachother. I don't have the tag myself while quite a few of my friends do. I would love to have it but in the end it won't really change anything these are the people I will be playing with for a while. Thanks deviant