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10/8/2014 11:04:59 PM

I'll be addressing this in the Weekly Update. Preview: Power Matters, but so does skill.

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  • [quote]Lol DeeJ. How about you blokes start being honest and reveal how the systems in destiny work instead of giving us vague words and inaccurate bar graphs.[/quote] This this this!

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  • Let me stop you right there, bud. I know you wanna tell us about how this event is as you advertised but it's not.

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  • So you can hot patch in a few hours atheon from falling off a ledge, but we need to wait for an explanation to why iron banner is broken? Just like the last patches, you fix the loot cave in an instant, but we have to wait over a week to fix engrams. Someone's priorities over there are really mixed up.

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  • I think they know exactly what their priorities are. $$$

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  • Edited by NeoZephyr: 10/9/2014 9:14:22 PM
    This isn't going to be an overtly negative post. I simply want to say that I think the vast majority of complaints that Destiny players are having is due to a mismanagement of expectations. This is partially due to what I think is a glut of self-entitled, immature players, but I also think a good deal of this blame can be squarely put on Bungie. It's kind of cool how the lore and campaign is shrouded in mystery, but when it comes to major in-game events and content, I truly believe that Bungie will be better off if they give as much information to the players as possible and as early as possible. It would dramatically help in correcting player expectations. Yes, plenty will still whine over the decisions, but I think it won't be nearly as bad. Lastly, I don't know how Bungie could be surprised by this reaction. With the information we were given about iron banner, the vast majority of the community could only come to one conclusion. When we all read "Level advantages will be enabled" we naturally compared it to PVE as that was the only place where we had experienced them up to that point. So why not give us more details ahead of time? It was marketed so hard and in such a way that led us to believe the level advantages would be significant. If I could make one last humble suggestion, Bungie, if mistakes were made with this, I think the worst thing you guys can do is try to cover your ass and say this is exactly how you intended it. You'll gain so much more respect and loyalty from us if you simply admit it, correct it, and keep the dialogue a bit more thorough and transparent. We've loved you, Bungie, and we really want to continue doing so!!!

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  • I have no problem with deej. he's just the face we communicate to. So thank you for your post that so eloquently summed up my feelings without specifically naming one pr guy instead of the whole team. Let's hope they listen

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  • Very well said NeoZephyr. "Mismanagement of expectations" pretty much sums up every issue I've had with this game. Thanks for taking the time to offer some constructive criticism instead of just raging. Hopefully, Bungie will be able to address this issue going forward in a way that allows the community to more accurately anticipate the direction that this franchise is going. Cheers!

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  • I appreciate your feedback as well. I'm so exhausted by the overwhelmingly negative comments. I still love this game, love Bungie, and want to see them start avoiding these mishaps that - I think - are avoidable.

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  • On a limited time event? Might make it a "higher" priority. I do love you #destiny.

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  • Edited by tangmcgame: 10/9/2014 8:58:55 PM
    I have no idea why this comment pissed me off as much as it has. Maybe how dismissive it sounds?

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  • Same here.

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  • Yeah. It pissed me off to. It comes off as DeeJ keeping the truth from us "plebs". Like they are trying to find the right way of feeding us the BS.

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  • Why there are variations in weapon function at all in normal Crucible I do not know. If ALL auto-rifles were exactly the same, all Shotguns, etc. in normal Crucible then you bring in the Iron Banner and all of a sudden there is an actual difference based on weapon characteristics, well then you have something interesting. Skill has nothing to do with a poorly designed system.

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  • Very good point. Maybe normal crucible starts out with presets instead of with the gear you gathered. Iron Banner could be the opposite. That would make more sense.

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  • Very good point. Maybe normal crucible starts out with presets instead of with the gear you gathered. Iron Banner could be the opposite. That would make more sense.

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  • [quote]Skill has nothing to do with a poorly designed system.[/quote] This. DeeJ, you can't come here and blame your faulty system on people being "skilled".

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  • Hoe does it feel knowing most people on the forums would punch you in the face a hundred times if given the chance?

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  • This...and all while screaming maniacally "epic sci fi story telling Deej can you feel how epic DEEJ CAN YOU?"

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  • Lol

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  • Most is a little harsh, maybe a slight majority.

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  • [quote]Hoe does it feel knowing most people on the forums would punch you in the face a hundred times if given the chance?[/quote] Hah lol! Nice comment:p

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  • Edited by Hot Juicy Pie: 10/9/2014 8:18:09 PM
    You already addressed it with a third party before speaking to the actual community. Classy. 2% maximum difference of intakes/outputs regardless of level is complete bullshit. 2% is dismal, and there are documentations already out there of how it doesn't even make a difference of a single bullet regardless of level. You passed off the exact same gameplay in normal crucible as something different when it isn't, and you waited to see if anyone would notice before coming out and saying something. Quit pandering to casuals. Additionally, you can't really say skill matters when you have not implemented any sort of skill based matchmaking nor team balancing nor ranking system. You're Bungie FFS.

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  • Do you really expect them to always matchmake one team to have all the best players and the other to have all the bad players. That makes no sense and would not work for matchmaking. The teams need to be balanced, meaning you will probably have players that suck on your team. Join a fireteam of your friends and then enter Iron Banner you'll have a much better experience. They weren't maliciously trying to lie to you about it. They made a difference and there is a noticeably difference. It's slight but it's noticeable. Could it be more maybe. But they are looking into it and are probably open to tweaking it. Don't expect to be running around one shotting people lower levels then you that probably won't happen. Skill definitely matters. I don't care if your level 30 and I'm level 20 if you can't headshot and I can you will lose.

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  • Sure skill matters, but gear should matter too. Look at like this. You don't go into vault of glass with sub par gear and expect to survive, regardless of how skilled you are. You need the proper gear along with enough skill to beat it. It should be the same for Iron Banner. Especially given the way they marketed it and how it was back in testing days. Skill is not ignored, but neither is gear. If a lower level goes into Iron Banner without the proper equipment then yes they deserve to be at a drastic disadvantage. It is their fault for going in there unprepared. This event exists for those who are properly prepared and have enough skill to participate in it. Just like its pve counterpart Vault of Glass. People who lean on gear may be able to roflstomp lower level noobs with crap gear, but that doesn't mean skill is completely ignored. People with both skill and gear will still rise to the top and dominate people who have the gear but no skill. Low levels have no place in Iron Banner seeing as its an event you need to build your character up for and practice for Iron Banner as it is now might as well just be regular crucible and we have no need for another one of those.

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  • Gear definitely should matter I agree. But so does skill. I agree that it probably should be adjusted a little bit more. I'm not expecting to be able to one body shot lower levels though. Let's see what Bungie does to tweak it. Give them a chance. I don't think it was noticed in the beta because most people had maxed at lvl 8 before the event started. On top of that there would have only been a 4 level difference since you had to be lvl 4 to get into Crucible if I remember right.

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