There really needs to be a NPC selling all this materials that we need to upgrade our guns and armor. It's so tedious and time consuming to look for this materials especially when we have all this glimmer. Anyone else feel the same?
Edited by Shinamo: 10/8/2014 11:07:26 PMI would like if they allowed a certain amount of materials (ie spinmetal to bloom) to be traded, reset per week. It wouldn't be an issue, if every freaking end game armor piece didn't require Helium Filament. I am rather tired of farming the same boring map over and over, because they didn't add any variety into what they assigned for each set. Vendor armor requires it, raid armor requires it, many of the exotic weapons/armor require it, etc. It would have been nice if they had either assigned one mat type to each slot, or at least added a little variety in some way (vendor requires helium, engram/reward requires spinmetal, normal raid bloom, hard raid relic iron). Just anything to have broken up the monotony of always needing the same thing every time you upgrade. It basically encourages you to skip as much as you can when you get alts, to avoid the monotony times three.