The dude posted a video asking to explain. I did. He's not yoloing like a retard AKA playing it right. What more to explain? In a Halo-esque 1v1 BR or DMR style battle with other high level players I bet you he'd loose 8 or 9 times out of 10.
this is isn't halo dumb ass its destiny. secondly your really gonna compare the br/ dmr to the skills it takes in this game? your joking right? i hope to god you truly are this game is a joke this game is pathetic 90% content was cut out. the game play of what they promised is sloppy. its a horrible game if i could shove my game up the ceo of bungies ass i wouldn't because this game is worste than the shit my dog shits on the lawn
Listen to -blam!-ing idiot the whole -blam!-ing point is that in a 1v1 HE WOULD -blam!-ING DIE. He's posting clips of his friends and him 2 and 3 vs 1ing solo dudes while he stays behind cover and asking what the deal is.
You missed the point completely. The point is that the Iron Banner has no level advantages enabled.