So the laser pointer my girlfriend bought me arrived in the mail today. It's green, can get hot enough to light flammable stuff on fire, gets an impressive amount of distance, and can light up an entire room indoors if the lights are out. Do any of you lovely ladies and gents have some ideas that might be fun with something like this?
I also got a pair of fishnet..arm..thingies from her as well. I don't know what the proper name for 'em is, but I like 'em. Anyway, ideas with the laser pointer, go go go!
Point it at planes Point it at traffic Point at babies eyes Ya know, douche stuff...
You get on a building in the hood in the middle of the night and use firecrackers and the laser pointer to make them think there is a sniper on them... Then when the cops show up you blame it on global warming.
A cat with it would be fun... But not the way you think.... As in burning the cat...
What's the wattage on it? I've got one that mainly use for teaching Astronomy... and sometimes use to pop car lot balloons from about 100 feet away...
point it at at random peoples chests and then like get a speaker phone a say DONT MOVE..... then tell them hilarity
Edited by Oneironaut: 10/10/2014 2:43:01 AMLaserglow tech? Y u no answer muh question?
Shine it out your window at people on the street. Point it at their chest until they notice it. Wait until they panic. Hilarity ensues.
I have a red one that I use on my dogs.
>Buy a cat >Annoy said cat >Laugh >??? >Profit
pew pew pew
Pet+lazer= baskets of fun
I've been wanting one of those super powerful laser pointers, if you point it through steam you can make a beam, so get fog machines and have a light saber battle! I had a laser pointer once, but it made my dog go insane.
Have a friend sit in a crowded place Point the laser at him from far away Play a gunshot sound effect Point at other people as they run away Profit [spoiler]But don't point in anyone's eye or anything[/spoiler]
Burn stuff
Set up mirrors and try to set up some spy/thief crap. Like in the movies when someone has to maneuver past lasers to get to their prize.
Edited by Progo: 10/9/2014 3:23:38 AMPop popcorn! [spoiler]btw, don't point it into the sky, passenger jets now track laser pointers and send the cops to the location that shined it on the plane[/spoiler]
Point it at an airplane.