That armor and weapons DON'T matter in Iron banner. It's the same as crucible.
It's not though. My level 26 Titan can one hit kill anybody with a shoulder charge in the crucible, in the Iron Banner if they have enough defense power I bounce right off of them and they kill me with a shotgun.
Sorry bro this dude has video proof and you don't.
Fair enough. I guess people were just expecting it to be a slaughterfest if anyone below 25 tried to play and since it's not IB must be a lie? He had a good match, he's clearly an experienced player. This just proves to me that skill is more important that gear no matter what part of destiny you play.
Yup a level 5 with the weakest gun in the game should be able to kill a lvl 26 in IRON BANNER???!!! Don't be thick.....
I've done all the Strikes in Vanguard Tiger with the Khostov… it's actually a pretty decent weapon, despite being the starter. This guy in the video was getting lots of bullets to the head, and was hitting a lot of shots in general. He also wasn't being stupid and standing out in the open, or getting within the range of Specials or Melee, most of the time.
i have to agree, the starting gun shouldnt even be damaging a high level player at all. or at least only doing 1 or 2 points of damage. Not doing the exzact same and in some cases more damage then there legendary/exotic (fully upgraded) level 20+ counter parts.