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10/9/2014 7:38:35 AM
You're hardly playing the best players. Almost every person you killed wasn't even looking at you. Just because defense matters doesn't mean your guns do nothing if you're a low level. Using an exotic weapon DEFINITELY makes a difference. Stop with these shit posts trying to find flaws that don't exist with this game

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  • Fanboy detected. Going down with the ship I see?

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  • you really think this game has no flaws???

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  • Of course I don't. The game has many flaws, just like any other game. Just none of the flaws people seem to say about it the most. (No story, paying for locked content, etc)

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  • Oh There is a story. Just not a well told story or even enough of it. I would say its more of a confusing introduction... like a test pilot for a series. Paying for locked content will have to wait and see. We will only find out once they release the content. But this games has many many flaws. Personally I expected a better product simply because of Bungies reputation and also the marketing that Bungie themselves released. I know your gona say you got suckered by the Hype. And my answer to you Sir is : yes I did :( (face palm) But once burned...

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  • No, I'm saying no story and paying for locked content are the things that aren't true about Destiny. The story is fine because it hasn't been finished yet. It's being told piece by piece with every new raid, strike, and mission they will release, like the Vault of Glass

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  • Yes I understood. And I'm saying that the story is barely a introduction... I would compare it to the free sample you get on kindle when your thinking of buying a book. I would not assume the story is fine. You have no way of knowing that since they haven't released much (almost nothing) story wise. It could turn out to be an epic story like it could turn out to be total crap. However I do know right now that it is not good value for money (here I'm talking about the story). Especially if I have to pay for DLC to find out the most basic elements about the story. Honest question. what story element did you find in the vault of glass??? Cause I missed it and I've cleared the vault.

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  • The story: A REALLY awesome and huge war between the darkness and the traveler! But you miss all of that, and your guardian comes alive way after this epic war, to clean up all the shitty piles of fallen left.... We missed the epicness.....and we are a lack-luster clean-up crew

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  • Well that's kind of the point. 500 million years of back story have happened. I could never expect them to cover that in the game as well as cover the entire story. I believe Destiny is meant to be the introduction to this world. Establish that it exists and what races live in it as well as the conflict. They made it clear that Guardians are only resurrected to help the Traveler fight the Darkness. Why would they waste time explaining 500 million years of lost time when the fate of the human race is behind the corner? Now that we've struck back at the Darkness and shown that Earth still has the ability to survive, more opportunities to explain the story are opened up. We already know there are missions and a raid in the Reef. No doubt that will involve the Queen and her intentions. The story element I found is that the Vex have the ability to time travel. One can assume that it will be a factor in future missions involving the Vex as well as their intentions. If they can warp through time, why didn't they just eradicate the human race? Unless their temporal command is limited to smaller time gaps and stasis fields (Frozen Vex in the Black Garden).

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  • No thats not the point!!! I dont spend hard earned cash on glorified introductions! I expect a complete story, with a beginning and ending. Ok so the story is bigger then one game, no problem tell the story over several games a la LOTR. But here what we have is a opening to a story. 60£ is worth more then a confusing intro. No one is asking for 500 millions years of lost time... what I am asking for is a coherent story not this back of a cereal box story that has no structure and leaves you with more questions than answers. The game was marketed as a epic space opera style story (a la Star wars or BSG) Not what was delivered, not even close... About the vex time travel. Good point. but don't assume anything with this game. the story is too open. literally anything could happen.

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  • SO not the point, when max defense vs min attack doesn't even increase the bullets required to kill by 1 single bullet you know it's -blam!-ed.

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  • It does. None of the people he killed were even looking at him 90% of the time. If you watch, his bullets chip away their health pretty slow. Compare that to an exotic weapon and it's much slower.

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  • Edited by OJ191: 10/9/2014 9:47:11 AM
    because he's using a low impact gun not because of attack or defense stats

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  • The particular weapon he's using is not low impact.

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  • point is.....the banner is broken. my lvl 7 warlock can kick as much ass as my lvl 27 hunter. it ridiculous. same damage amount.....actually in a way a bit worse. this isnt a shit post. this is some for real issue that needs to be addressed.

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  • Edited by Wheat: 10/9/2014 8:07:36 AM
    And my point is, it isn't. You can kick as much ass with a level 7 because being a higher level doesn't automatically make you a god to lower levels. Skill is still needed. The level boosts are definitely there. I can say that first hand when my exotic pulse rifle kills in almost a single burst. Never takes more than two provided i don't miss 2 or more bullets.

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  • Let me ask you something. Do you go into Vault of Glass with sub par gear and green weapons? No. Regardless of how skilled you might be having the right equipment or at least gear that allows you to survive and not be a hindrance is also required. Now, lets consider that Iron Crucible was supposed to be the sort of "end-game" pvp equivalent of VoG. It isn't supposed to be fair. Its not an equal playing ground. Gear is supposed to matter alot. Not saying that that completely invalidates skill, but it should make a lot more difference. Its just like Vault of Glass. You need both skill and the right equipment to be successful. There are a few people that are indeed complaining because they wanted to roflstomp lower levels, and honestly, they do have a bit of a legit argument (A level 4 with a 20-40 atk rating weapon attacking someone with gear that gives them over 1k defense or more and killing them the same as if they were wielding an exotic? C'mon man. That just doens't make sense.) There are other people like myself who arne't mad because we wanted to lean on our gear or because we thought it'd be all powerful, but because the mode we were promised and hyped for wasn't what it was intended to be. Honestly low levels with inferior armor have no place playing Iron Banner. The whole schtick of it was that gear matters so bring your best gear in order to be successful. It gives people a reason to upgrade their gear and go through progressions. It still allows the cream to rise to the top because the most skilled players who have set themselves up with the best gear will still be successful. It was a good way to implement end game pvp. You might argue that that kind of mode isn't fair and is pointless for lower levels to play but... wasn't that the point? If you wanted normalized damage and an even playing field thats what NORMAL crucible is for. By making Iron Banner and regular crucible pretty much the same or well with "small and hardly noticeable differences" they have basically given us the same mode we already had, just more restricted with only one game type. That's a far cry from the form of end-game pvp that many people were hoping for. And why? Because of a bad decision by bungie. If it really is working as intended then.. honestly its a load of bull. They should have just offered limited time rewards for playing normal crucible instead of hyping it up to be some sort of grand event and getting everyone's hopes up. Its not even as good as normal crucible. All that potential.. down the drain....

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  • Edited by doublesit: 10/9/2014 8:54:12 AM
    did not read all, but first paragraph was enough to answer: VOG and every other level 28 or higher strikes proofes one major thing: enemies can oneshot kill you, also splash damage can kill you and enemies are great at aiming; a level 28 or higher in pvp does not necessary have this qualities ...

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  • Edited by lIMaclI: 10/9/2014 9:03:47 AM
    ... you completely missed the point. You should not be getting one shot killed in VoG unless you have sub par gear and a lower light level. You dont even attempt VoG if you aren't properly armed regardless of your skill level. The point I was trying to make is that IB was a pvp equivalent of vault. You need both skills and gear to do well, but in the version we have gear doesn't really seem to do jack. Low levels rightfully should be getting dropped much faster and doing much less damage because they lack the gear part of the equation. Consequently, players who have really good gear but lack skill will also be getting dropped just as fast by players who have both good gear and skill. If you wanna make an argument at least understand what someone is trying to say beforehand... Starting with "TLDR" and then going off on something not really related gets us nowhere

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  • i agree that TLDR isn't ok, but one thing i tryed to point out is that VOG or high level strikes have highskilled enemies whith good aim in it! pvp with high level enemies does not necessarily mean they are also that good! i guess if you would have a statistic you are going to have a result of more than 90% of low leves getting totally wrecked in IB while the remaining 10% are just good players or going into IB with full fireteams

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  • That's a point but it has no real bearing to what I'm trying to say nor the "real" problem ppl have with Iron Banner. Yes "No matter what, skill always has its place" But gear should have its place as well. Honestly, if you read my post, you should understand that low levels should be totally getting wrecked if they enter into IB. They have no place there. They deserve to get wrecked for going in unprepared. I'm not saying they should not be able to kill a higher lvl player at all, but they should be at a dramatic disavantage. Do you see people going into Vault of Glass with bad gear and low light levels and beating it right away? No Should people be going into Iron Banner and finding alot of success with sub par gear? No. Even if they are a really skilled player, they should still be facing some sort of disadvantage for going in unprepared. That is what Iron Banner is all about. Gear, level advantages, upgrades etc etc etc. Read the description of the event. Its not supposed to be a level playing field, and yet for all intents and purposes it pretty much is. There is little to no difference between Iron Banner and regular crucible. It would be like saying you should be able to do vault of glass even though you are only a level 6 with white gear. It defeats the purpose of gear progression and trying to build your character to be better.

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  • I agree that there should be more of a difference, but it's not as awful as this guy makes it out to seem. As I said, every player he's shooting at isn't shooting back at him. They're almost all found kills. If you watch closely though, the enemy's health is dropping pretty slowly when he's shooting. When I go up against people using high leveled auto rifles, I die within 2 seconds if they shoot first. There's no surviving. If any of these higher level players simply turned and looked at him, they could easily have dispensed with him. If anything, armor is what should be changed. The damage is just fine.

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  • Edited by Dangity: 10/9/2014 10:10:01 AM
    You know I read so many reply by this dude "Train" and I really think he's not getting it. How about this Train. Go into Mars WITH a buddy, tell him to STAY BACK while you fight even ONE cabal. THIS is the point of true IB. It's not just skill. Sure you might be able to take down that SINGLE cabal with 13 rockets and 2 supers but it would take you nearly an hour for one target let alone they come in pack of threes. In IB it should be the same way. The amount of damage you deal as a lvl 4 to a lvl 29 should be that insignificant AND the amount you take is insane since you have 60 armored in comparisons to 1400 armor. IB was made to believe that armor stats, attack power, and weapons stats matters. It doesn't. If you still don't get my point I say go to mars with your lvl 4 character and solo a Colossus. If you can beat him solo in a video to proof I gladly take everything I say back. And I know that lvl 4 can't unlock mars yet so here's instruction: 1. Invite a friend who has mars story mission. 2. Go to mars together. Yes he can hold your hand if you are scared. 3. Tell him to leave the game. 4. Record yourself soloing a Colosso. 5. Post the video here. The point of that is that the struggle you are going to face a Colosso solo at lvl 4 is the same as entering IB as a level 4. Now if you were lvl 28 yeah it's WAY easier to kill a Colosso, almost the same amount of firefight as I would take with a player in pvp. A lvl 4 should deal so little damage to a lvl 28 that he could burn all his ammo and maybe, just maybe, take down his shield before it regenerate. If you still can't get my point after this, then you need help

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  • Except almost every "flaw" thread is in some form legitimate. There wouldn't be all these "flaw" threads if there weren't so many flaws Ya know?

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  • Or that people are misinformed as to why certain things are. Like people saying Destiny has no story or that all of the game is locked and going to be sold back to us. Two incredibly popular flaws that are in no way true.

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  • Oh, technically there´s a story in destiny, just as, technically, there's a story in Michael Bay's movies. The difference between Destiny and Transformers, story wise, is that Destiny replaces explosions with stunning landscapes, and that in Transformers, there's at least a little bit of character development. In summary, this is the Story, as told in-game, in Destiny: (Potential spoilers ahead, if you can call that spoilers) First thing that happens is a floating metallic thing called...mmm...well, it's a Ghost, whatever that is (we're never told much about that), but it has no name, really. Which doesn't matter because although he's going to be with us the whole time, we barely speak to it. And other than describing what we already see onscreen, the Ghost doesn't say much either. Surprisingly our character isn't even a bit curious that it has come back to life after being dead "a long, long time". He never asks about his past life, or talks about it at all. During the whole game, in fact, [spoiler] we'll never get to learn anything about our character. Or any other character for that matter.[/spoiler] Then we have to find a ship to go to The Tower.Later we'll be able to see how ships are coming and going from the Tower to the surface every 30 seconds, literally, and Ghost can send and receive messages all over the solar system, but for some reason, Ghost now has us looking for a ship instead of sending a message for some other ship to pick us up. Sure, we'll need a ship of our own later on. If only there was a character in the Tower who's [i]only task in the entire game[/i] is to provide ships to Guardians... But that's nitpicking. We get to the Tower. We talk to the Speaker, who has summoned us to tells us to our face that he could explain everything going on, but he won't. Dude, seriously, we've been [i]under a rock for hundreds of years[/i], we could use a little update about that war our character probably died in (not that anyone cares about that), specially since you're sending us out to do all that guardian stuff. He does mention the Traveller (the whole reason he's there) and that it seems to be not feeling too well. From then on, all we'll be doing is go to a planet, kill lots of Discount Covenants, Warhammer ripoffs, the skinny robots from The Phantom Menace, and some lobster-like weirdos. They're called the Fallen, The Cabal, the Vex and the Hive, and that's all you'll ever know get to know about them. Meanwhile, your unnamed Ghost companion, a Cortana wannabe with the charisma and passion of a Car GPS Voice, will be opening lots of doors. Which somehow always involves killing every living thing in the room, several times. At one point, we meet a new character: the Queen. She instantly gets more character development than any other character in the game (including our own) when we're told the grumpy guy next to her is her brother. Which doesn't matter and has nothing to do with anything. Then we're promptly sent to kill some more stuff so we can open a bigger door. You certainly picked the right team for the job, your majesty! So you go to the place, kill baddies, open a door, kill more baddies, then kill BIGGER baddies that look exactly like the ones you already killed and then [spoiler] that's it, you saved the world. Well, not really. In fact, everything is exactly as it was when you started, but The Traveler is feeling a bit better now. It's still floating there doing nothing, though. I didn't mention the Unknown Woman, but honestly, the Story Mode is over and still every single character in it is Unknown to us or our character (who to this point has said less lines of dialog than the first Terminator) Congratulations! Now you can go and kill the same baddies and open the same doors several hundred times so the cryptarch can keep trolling you. Cheers![/spoiler]

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