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10/9/2014 7:45:11 AM
Or that people are misinformed as to why certain things are. Like people saying Destiny has no story or that all of the game is locked and going to be sold back to us. Two incredibly popular flaws that are in no way true.

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  • Oh, technically there´s a story in destiny, just as, technically, there's a story in Michael Bay's movies. The difference between Destiny and Transformers, story wise, is that Destiny replaces explosions with stunning landscapes, and that in Transformers, there's at least a little bit of character development. In summary, this is the Story, as told in-game, in Destiny: (Potential spoilers ahead, if you can call that spoilers) First thing that happens is a floating metallic thing called...mmm...well, it's a Ghost, whatever that is (we're never told much about that), but it has no name, really. Which doesn't matter because although he's going to be with us the whole time, we barely speak to it. And other than describing what we already see onscreen, the Ghost doesn't say much either. Surprisingly our character isn't even a bit curious that it has come back to life after being dead "a long, long time". He never asks about his past life, or talks about it at all. During the whole game, in fact, [spoiler] we'll never get to learn anything about our character. Or any other character for that matter.[/spoiler] Then we have to find a ship to go to The Tower.Later we'll be able to see how ships are coming and going from the Tower to the surface every 30 seconds, literally, and Ghost can send and receive messages all over the solar system, but for some reason, Ghost now has us looking for a ship instead of sending a message for some other ship to pick us up. Sure, we'll need a ship of our own later on. If only there was a character in the Tower who's [i]only task in the entire game[/i] is to provide ships to Guardians... But that's nitpicking. We get to the Tower. We talk to the Speaker, who has summoned us to tells us to our face that he could explain everything going on, but he won't. Dude, seriously, we've been [i]under a rock for hundreds of years[/i], we could use a little update about that war our character probably died in (not that anyone cares about that), specially since you're sending us out to do all that guardian stuff. He does mention the Traveller (the whole reason he's there) and that it seems to be not feeling too well. From then on, all we'll be doing is go to a planet, kill lots of Discount Covenants, Warhammer ripoffs, the skinny robots from The Phantom Menace, and some lobster-like weirdos. They're called the Fallen, The Cabal, the Vex and the Hive, and that's all you'll ever know get to know about them. Meanwhile, your unnamed Ghost companion, a Cortana wannabe with the charisma and passion of a Car GPS Voice, will be opening lots of doors. Which somehow always involves killing every living thing in the room, several times. At one point, we meet a new character: the Queen. She instantly gets more character development than any other character in the game (including our own) when we're told the grumpy guy next to her is her brother. Which doesn't matter and has nothing to do with anything. Then we're promptly sent to kill some more stuff so we can open a bigger door. You certainly picked the right team for the job, your majesty! So you go to the place, kill baddies, open a door, kill more baddies, then kill BIGGER baddies that look exactly like the ones you already killed and then [spoiler] that's it, you saved the world. Well, not really. In fact, everything is exactly as it was when you started, but The Traveler is feeling a bit better now. It's still floating there doing nothing, though. I didn't mention the Unknown Woman, but honestly, the Story Mode is over and still every single character in it is Unknown to us or our character (who to this point has said less lines of dialog than the first Terminator) Congratulations! Now you can go and kill the same baddies and open the same doors several hundred times so the cryptarch can keep trolling you. Cheers![/spoiler]

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  • Edited by IshihadoX: 10/9/2014 9:20:18 AM
    Fanboy level +1000000000000000000000000000000000.9 Seriously, a story? Where's Waldo has more story and background. >_>

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  • Oh look, another person who has no idea what they're talking about. Honestly, I've explained the story to so many people that I should just make a post on the front page. And it's "Where's Waldo" you uncultured shit

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  • Since we are being pedantic. "Where's Waldo" is called "Where's Wally" in some countries. Not everyone is American you "uncultured shit"

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  • Edited by IshihadoX: 10/9/2014 9:25:13 AM
    You should. Then all the parents can read it to their 5 years olds as a bed time story. Luckily they don't need plots or character development or anything else necessary to make a decent story. Yeah, corrected the Waldo thing, that was on me. The fact that you defended Waldo in such a, well, defensive tone only proves that you like Waldo. A lot. Which explains why you think Destiny has a story. If you would be so kind, I would love for you to explain the story while remaining in the confines of the game, and not the grimoires. Unless you can't... then that's fine. Also, "uncultured shit"? Ah... ahahahhahahha... I didn't know that Waldo was a cornerstone of U.S. culture. Thank you for the laugh. Also, for shit talking. It just boosted you another 1000 fanboy points.

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  • I actually did post it, go ahead and check it out. I made it easy enough for simpletons to understand, so hopefully you shouldn't have any problems. Who doesn't like Waldo? Well the uncultured shit was mostly a joke but if you wanna take it personally, go for it. I'm literally lol'ing at your continued use of "fanboy" what is this, sophomore year?

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  • The Destiny story they sold to us up front was well... I don't have the time to tell you why I don't have the time. That's more or less a fact.

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  • There could have been more of the game unlocked from the beginning, but all of the places that were locked will be unlocked for free. This is so new and old players alike can experience the new releases together. It also prevents the entire game from being mapped out in a week. Walkthroughs don't spoil the game for new players. It's a fair experience for everyone.

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  • "Fair" or unfinished? Whichever, the game is lackluster right now. I'm not saying it's not fun with friends but it's definitely a disappointment compared to what bungie(losing faith in btw) promised.

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  • Then you were excited for the wrong reasons. I was just as excited as everyone else and Destiny is nothing less than what Bungie said it would be. I had a blast playing the story and multiplayer is great as well. It's great to hop on and grind for a bit, do the daily events and whatnot. When new raids and story missions and strikes are unlocked then I'll gladly get back on and continue. There's nothing overly wrong with the game beyond people's own opinions. Most of which are, like I said, misinformed opinions.

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  • Obvious shill is obvious.

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  • Oh yes, I have a positive opinion about a game that everyone hates for idiotic reasons! I must be working for Bungie to keep our customers interested in the game. Try again

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  • "Misinformed"? We know all we need to know. We've played the game. We know what it has to offer. In this instance of one of their "events" nothing seems to have changed. My thorn does literally one less damage and one more depending on higher or lower level. Gimmick crucible is gimmick. Luckily I'm okay with just playing a renamed crucible for some new yet pointless gear that can't make me end level :/

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  • If you knew what you needed to know then you wouldn't be complaining about the story or lack of missions. Take this into account. The damage you do in normal crucible is the base damage of level one weapons. Meaning in Iron Banner, you build off of that base damage. Level 1 can still do normal damage, but being a higher level enable much more damage output. Just because you can do well at a low level in Iron Banner does not mean it's broken. It means the people you're playing against are less skilled than you.

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  • If my fully upgraded exotic hard light can only do 1-2 extra per shot to a lvl it's meaningless.

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  • Well then you've got a shitty gun for multiplayer because my Exotic pulse rifle just keeps getting better as I upgrade it in Iron Banner. Sorry you're having an unlucky experience. The Hard Light isn't meant for high damage. That's why it has 40 shots. Switch to something with 20-30 shots and you'll notice a much bigger difference.

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  • Edited by lIMaclI: 10/9/2014 8:43:56 AM
    Show me proof of your gun getting "better" with upgrades. I've tested with multiple guns and my lvl 5 AR does the same as my fully upgraded Suros. A non-upgraded Shadow Price does the same dmg as a fully upgraded shadow price. Two final rests upgraded and not upgraded show the same results.There are multiple videos showing all of these examples while there seems to be a lack of any video showing that upgrades actually matter. If you can prove this then I'll shut up and a whole lot of people will too. But until then.. and I say this with as much respect as possible- You are talking out of your ass.

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  • Well you're talking out of your ass as much as I am. You can say you tested weapons but it doesn't mean you actually did. For all intent and purposes, I believe you. No, I have no actual proof. Only as much as you. I used the first green pulse rifle I could find from the weapons dealer. It did about the same as it would in crucible. 3-4 full bursts on the body to kill an enemy. I switched to the Stranger's Rifle, fully upgraded. 2-3 full bursts or so for a kill. My Red Death, which had no upgrades on it at all when i played my first IB match, took shields down in one burst. The second killed. No other pulse rifle I've used has the power to do that in Crucible. Once I got it to the middle of the upgrade chain, it was bringing people down below their shield and chipping away at their health in one burst. This didn't work on people around my level, only about 15 and under from what I could tell.

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  • the difference is you can easily look up a video of exactly what i tested and find it at the snap of your finger. Can you say the same for what you say is true? Thats the difference between what I say and what you say. There is already existing proof backing up what I've said so I haven't gone out of my way to take a video of it. Its already on the web. Alternatively... There is not even ONE video that supports your claim that upgrades matter. Not one. Show me one even if you don't record it yourself showing that upgrades make it that much better- and in a way that didn't already exist in the regular crucible. In other words... are you even sure its not the perks on your gun that is making it "feel" more powerful? Because there have been many many many people that can attest to the fact that dmg upgrades do pretty much nothing. If I'm talking out of my ass feel free to youtube it. Plenty of supporting vids.

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  • I don't have the means to make videos, so unfortunately it'll have to be taken by heart. I just searched every combination of Iron Banner videos possible and found not evidence beyond this video. Could Iron Banner be better? Absolutely. Is it broken? No. It just isn't what people were expecting, which is mostly reasonable.

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  • Well the differences are minuscule at best and don't warrant an "event". Bungie definitely advertised this in quite a misleading way.

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  • Different experiences I suppose. I've had a blast in it. I wish it was permanent. I infinitely prefer this to normal Crucible

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  • Edited by Spiku: 10/9/2014 9:00:56 AM
    Don't see how you can. since its pretty much the same thing... Even the stats show up as crucible stats...

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  • He's special. Just ignore him

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