if you arent looking at the numbers then y in the hell are u even attempting to argue this? you are an idot. you are just stupid u are getting mind-blamm-ed in -blamm!-ng arse!!! stupid ppl make me sick.
LOL @ this salty butthurt kid who thinks his .5 K/D is evidence Iron Banner is broke. ROFL.
motherf-----.... first im no kid ya jackass.......and secondly i have said in other posts that im not a good pvp player. and that makes not a damn bit of difference whenever your damn damage output is EXACTLY the same no matter what. its bs. and its broke. a starter weapon from the beginning of the game does right at the same damage as my legendary one does. explain that? o ya cant?? didnt think so. point is...if they are gonna say it has level advantages turned on then it should....and this cleaarly doe not. watch the other video posted down further in this. u will see.