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10/9/2014 8:38:46 AM
Let me ask you something. Do you go into Vault of Glass with sub par gear and green weapons? No. Regardless of how skilled you might be having the right equipment or at least gear that allows you to survive and not be a hindrance is also required. Now, lets consider that Iron Crucible was supposed to be the sort of "end-game" pvp equivalent of VoG. It isn't supposed to be fair. Its not an equal playing ground. Gear is supposed to matter alot. Not saying that that completely invalidates skill, but it should make a lot more difference. Its just like Vault of Glass. You need both skill and the right equipment to be successful. There are a few people that are indeed complaining because they wanted to roflstomp lower levels, and honestly, they do have a bit of a legit argument (A level 4 with a 20-40 atk rating weapon attacking someone with gear that gives them over 1k defense or more and killing them the same as if they were wielding an exotic? C'mon man. That just doens't make sense.) There are other people like myself who arne't mad because we wanted to lean on our gear or because we thought it'd be all powerful, but because the mode we were promised and hyped for wasn't what it was intended to be. Honestly low levels with inferior armor have no place playing Iron Banner. The whole schtick of it was that gear matters so bring your best gear in order to be successful. It gives people a reason to upgrade their gear and go through progressions. It still allows the cream to rise to the top because the most skilled players who have set themselves up with the best gear will still be successful. It was a good way to implement end game pvp. You might argue that that kind of mode isn't fair and is pointless for lower levels to play but... wasn't that the point? If you wanted normalized damage and an even playing field thats what NORMAL crucible is for. By making Iron Banner and regular crucible pretty much the same or well with "small and hardly noticeable differences" they have basically given us the same mode we already had, just more restricted with only one game type. That's a far cry from the form of end-game pvp that many people were hoping for. And why? Because of a bad decision by bungie. If it really is working as intended then.. honestly its a load of bull. They should have just offered limited time rewards for playing normal crucible instead of hyping it up to be some sort of grand event and getting everyone's hopes up. Its not even as good as normal crucible. All that potential.. down the drain....

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