originally posted in:Strike Team Kilo
We are going to attempt the VoG tonight on hard difficulty for the first time
[b]Required:[/b] Level 29+/VoG Weapons or Void legendary/Exotic weapons
Please meassage myself DxrkCollins/v Jeff x/Mr mechanic 927 if you are interested.
Guys this post was a few days ago so it's a dead topic. Please make your own topic to discuss about raids
Friends is messed up right now so can't look anyone up. I'm lvl 28 hunter with maxed atheons epilogue and working on maxing ice breaker. Gt wickedagileone
29 titan defender with hard mode experience and relic exoperience. Also got Athens epilogue but not maxed because I just got it last night
I can do it level 29 hunter with all the things I need. Done VoG lots of times. Message stomperxx
What time. Eastern US standard