Is anyone else having problems with this weapon.? I earned this weapon at the end of a tiger strike playing on hard (level 26 hard) and I've been using this weapon on the crucible and honestly this weapon is shit I unload the whole clip on the enemy I'm trying to kill and does little to no damage, it's like the rounds are made of hugs the dude just turned right around laughed tea bagged the ground Walked to me well I'm still shooting at him and slapped me silly for thinking I was gonna kill him with doctor nope .. I guess the weapon is called doctor nope for a reason. Does anyone else have any problems with the damage this weapon is dealing to guardians .? Does dr nope get better with the upgrades.? Thanks for your time guardians
Edited by Sipau Fade: 10/9/2014 2:55:28 PMThe Stability mod needs to be your life long pursuit with this thing :) However, i'm thinking that when the AR nerf rolls around a lot of AR's will behave like this thing so you may want to work on recoil control. This gun seems to have a consistent upward mussel climb. I found that slightly correcting with the right stick keeps the gun in check. Granted, Head shoots will take a lot of practice but you'll keep on target with practice. To combat the complaints about this gun in pvp, This gun is more about suppression and team based play. the 72 ammo count is great for keeping the other team in check while you and your team work together. This is not a precision or damaging weapon. It's a relentless honesty keeper.