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Edited by Level1 on Hard: 10/9/2014 6:54:12 PM
I'm confused. I never said Halo 4 was good. Halo 4 is the worst out of them all. What I said was, long before anything was shown or released about Halo 4 (during the early days of the studio's creation) was that people had hopes that 343 would save Halo now that Bungie was out. Halo 4 was them NOT saving Halo but making things worst. Remember many people saying it couldn't get worst than Reach, then the Game Informer leaked proved it could be. Not sure you were actually following what was being said because clearly you didn't get it. Oh and Spartan Ops and the word "good" don't mix. Even though you mean relatively speaking, I wouldn't use "good" regardless with anything related to Halo 4. When I said the response 343 got, I meant the anger and outraged over what Halo 4 was both developing into once it was exposed what they were doing behind the scenes as well as what was released. Halo 4 wasn't just trash but there was an existing history of being fed up from the Bungie days that made it much more heated. Although Bungie gets a lot of criticism for Destiny, it doesn't seem to compare to what 343 got from Halo 4.

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