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Edited by KeyserSoze: 10/9/2014 7:09:20 PM
Oh you're so cool when you try to hurl insults at me like that, it makes me smile. The version I remember is enjoying the hell out of Reach with a good number of my friends for quite a long time. And since I missed it because I was playing a video game I enjoyed will you please post the [quote] long history that can easily be Googled to highlight everything that was mentioned so far in my posts.[/quote] And the point I thought we were arguing was that you believe the majority of people were happy that Bungie was no longer a part of the Halo franchise. I referenced the bomb that is Halo4 to illustrate the point that people were not happy about 343 taking over the Halo franchise.

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  • Edited by Level1 on Hard: 10/9/2014 7:15:42 PM
    But I didn't insult you. Unless the whole like a big boy thing insulted you then you have way too sensitive skin since that wasn't an insult but more of a smart-ass remark. But back to the topic, you enjoying Reach has nothing to do with the valid issues it had. Which is funny because any time someone brings up a valid issue with a game people like you think it some how means you couldn't or didn't enjoy the game. Like a game having issues some how doesn't validate the fun you had. That is irrelevant. I enjoyed Halo 3 but its issues were real. Someone mentioning the garbage net code Halo 3 had (that Reach fixed thankfully), the added randomness, the slower paced movement and gameplay, etc is completely IRRELEVANT to me enjoying and playing a lot of Halo 3. Those that like the game does not mean the issues the game has magically goes away. Seriously now, from gamer to gamer, when someone mentions the bad things a game has (or its devs) it does not mean no one enjoys it or could enjoy it. But there are many, and a long list of very valid and real issues, Bungie ignored throughout the entire Halo series; many of which they made worst in each iteration even though the public have been screaming out against it for YEARS. Again it has nothing to do with you and your friends liking the game. A lot of these same issues are in Destiny but cranked up to an extreme. That has nothing to do with those that enjoy Destiny. You and your friends playing a game has nothing to do with the issues the game has or the general consensus of where the game lies. You and your friends don't speak for the general consensus.

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  • So if Bungie has not resolved the "problems" they had for years why do you to continue to but their games? And I said ATTEMPT to insult, I really am in no way insulted. I just find attempts at petty digs and put downs to be a way of distancing yourself from the discussion at hand. At no time did I state or imply that I speak for the general consensus, I do however speak for a community that feels a certain way, as do you. However the difference between us is that you perceive the overwhelming majority of gamers hate bungie and Halo games and everything bungie does is a mistake... at least that's how you come across....I realize that companies make products that won't please everyone.

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  • You are trying too hard. Halo 3 had issues but I enjoyed it a lot. Why would I wish I did not buy Halo 3? Obviously it wasn't too bad for me not to play it. Again you are trying too hard. Me enjoying Halo 3 HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT HAVING VALID ISSUES. So either come back with something tangible or stop wasting your time. Halo 2 also had issues, doesn't mean I didn't put in over 100k MP kills. It also doesn't mean those issues did not exist. And people having a valid discussion of those issues don't mean that the dev didn't do anything right. What they did right is irrelevant and off-topic to what is being discussed. "Oh hey look Reach has decent net code over Halo 3, so let's not talk about the actual issues people have been bringing up for years that are both in Reach and Destiny and have been made much worst. Or if we do let's mention what they did do right in irrelevant topics just to make randoms online feel good about the time they spent with the game." [url][/url] Oh hey look a game has a flaw the previous game had...and even though that is not enough for me to totally avoid the game, I'm going to anyway because KeyserSoze thinks that only people can buy a game that they know is 100% flawless even before they have played the game. And before you try to write something yawn inspiring back, I'm being sarcastic and I am not putting words in your mouth. Sad I have to even write that. Attempt to insult, or flat out insult, is semantic twisting. Like I said there was no insult there so your "attempt to insult" assumption is still you being too sensitive if "insult anything" ever popped up into your head when you read that. Again you seem to be trying too hard to argue. Actually yes you did imply you speak for the general consensus. Since the entire post, and a few before it, was about the general consensus and your replay to it was that you and a few of your friends enjoyed it a lot, kinda did imply that you and your friends make up the general consensus. So either you don't understand what was being said in previous posts, or again you are trying too hard. To wrap up this waste of time convo, and to repeat the point that was trying to be made, you and others (the community that you speak) liking a product is IRRELEVANT to the real and valid issues it has. People complain that they are adding too much randomness to Halo, then Reach introduces bloom on the DMR and takes one aspect of the randomness complaint (in this case with gun battles) to new heights, is a valid issue out of a long list of issues the game has and you enjoying the game should have NOTHING to do with your human brain being able to see that the weapon randomness people have been complaining about for years was made much worst with the DMR. 1 + 1 = 2. I enjoyed Halo 3 but my brain was able to comprehend that the net code was horrible and not only was that my experience, but it was the experience that was one of the most talked about when it came to Halo 3 issues for the 3 years is was the latest Halo game. I can enjoy something and spot its issues, can you? Sorry if my posts tend to come off as harsh but it is hard to sugar coat people whose argument is (or seemingly) based on "but I liked it so I am going to argue in topics that mention one thing others don't like so I feel better, even though what is being said are very real world issues that I don't want to hear about because [insert whatever makes you tick here]".

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  • Accuse me of trying too hard and post a text wall. OK man, you enjoy trying to convince everyone that we are all idiots and don't know anything about anything. I'm gonna go kill some shit.

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  • So you have nothing real to comeback with. Sure thing. I am going to go kill stuff too... Oh wait I can't play the game because I recognized a few of its short comings. Logic fail. Enjoy ignoring the obvious.

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  • No I just have other things to do. Sorry I can't play anymore, best of luck.

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  • Best of luck to you too. Have fun.

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