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10/9/2014 8:38:01 PM
Do you really expect them to always matchmake one team to have all the best players and the other to have all the bad players. That makes no sense and would not work for matchmaking. The teams need to be balanced, meaning you will probably have players that suck on your team. Join a fireteam of your friends and then enter Iron Banner you'll have a much better experience. They weren't maliciously trying to lie to you about it. They made a difference and there is a noticeably difference. It's slight but it's noticeable. Could it be more maybe. But they are looking into it and are probably open to tweaking it. Don't expect to be running around one shotting people lower levels then you that probably won't happen. Skill definitely matters. I don't care if your level 30 and I'm level 20 if you can't headshot and I can you will lose.

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  • Sure skill matters, but gear should matter too. Look at like this. You don't go into vault of glass with sub par gear and expect to survive, regardless of how skilled you are. You need the proper gear along with enough skill to beat it. It should be the same for Iron Banner. Especially given the way they marketed it and how it was back in testing days. Skill is not ignored, but neither is gear. If a lower level goes into Iron Banner without the proper equipment then yes they deserve to be at a drastic disadvantage. It is their fault for going in there unprepared. This event exists for those who are properly prepared and have enough skill to participate in it. Just like its pve counterpart Vault of Glass. People who lean on gear may be able to roflstomp lower level noobs with crap gear, but that doesn't mean skill is completely ignored. People with both skill and gear will still rise to the top and dominate people who have the gear but no skill. Low levels have no place in Iron Banner seeing as its an event you need to build your character up for and practice for Iron Banner as it is now might as well just be regular crucible and we have no need for another one of those.

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  • Gear definitely should matter I agree. But so does skill. I agree that it probably should be adjusted a little bit more. I'm not expecting to be able to one body shot lower levels though. Let's see what Bungie does to tweak it. Give them a chance. I don't think it was noticed in the beta because most people had maxed at lvl 8 before the event started. On top of that there would have only been a 4 level difference since you had to be lvl 4 to get into Crucible if I remember right.

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  • Shutup. You're a moron bungie apologist

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  • Thanks for being mature about this issue. I've been playing Bungie games for about 13 years now. They make good games. They listen to their community. They improve their games as they go. They have a pretty good track record so far. Why do you think that Bungie is maliciously trying to screw you over? What would they benefit by doing so? It makes more sense that they are invested in Destiny and want to see it succeed and are willing to do what it takes to make that happen. Try having a civil conversation instead of just telling people you don't agree with to shutup. You'll get a lot further in life.

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  • Shutup. You're a Bungie apologist.

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  • Where did I even remotely say I expected all good players to be on one team and all bad on the other? I said there was no balancing. Secondly, as I said, the difference is dismal, and there are dozens of videos gone viral already to support this. +/-2% doesn't even make the differnce of a single bullet on most weapons. Meaning that at an equal skill level, gear/level differences don't matter.

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  • How would you envision skill based match-making to work? Please elaborate with constructive feedback. Are you saying that you don't want low-level players in your matches? If that's the case then it really would be no difference between Iron Banner and Crucible as everyone would be the same level with roughly the same gear. I've played it and I can tell a difference between Iron Banner and Crucible. It's not a big difference but it's there.

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  • [quote]How would you envision skill based match-making to work? Please elaborate with constructive feedback. Are you saying that you don't want low-level players in your matches? If that's the case then it really would be no difference between Iron Banner and Crucible as everyone would be the same level with roughly the same gear. I've played it and I can tell a difference between Iron Banner and Crucible. It's not a big difference but it's there.[/quote] CS:GO from valve has a pretty god match making system.. They could learn from them!

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  • How would I envision it? Have you ever played a single game with a skill based system? Have you never heard of the TruSkill algorithm? Because Bungie pioneered it. Level has nothing to do with skill. That's not the point I was making. You're getting hung up on two completely different sections of my initial response and mixing them together. Point being that Iron Banner was advertised as this "You better bring your best gear, because this shit matters." type of event, and it's anything but that. It worked fine in beta, so what happened? I don't recall seeing and post beta notes saying it was being tweaked. Having a "feeling" that there is a difference pales in comparison to the statistical data that is already out there.

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  • If you want Bungie to fix the matchmaking for Iron Banner tell them how you expect it to work. Don't dodge the question. I've played all the Halo games so I'm quite familiar with Bungie matchmaking. If you think it could be better tell Bungie how they should fix it. Don't just say it sucks or it's broken and not tell them how it's broken and how it needs to be fixed. In beta there was only a 4 level difference. So either it was there and no one noticed because they were all similar levels or they didn't care in the beta. What statistical data is out there. A video of a match is not statistical evidence. Please show me the statistics.

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  • Again, mixing two completely different arguments into one. No one here is complaining about the matchmaking for IB, just how the damage modifiers work, or don't work rather. Making no difference between IB and normal crucible. But I'll try to tackle them both at once, regardless. How to fix matchmaking in Iron Banner, first fix it in Crucible all together. Bring TruSkill or H2 ranking back. It's obvious when there are people who are serious about PvP and when there are those who just do it to goof around and do the bounties. Creating social and ranked options helps create the divide where competition and mundain task grinding can be done separately. The player base is large enough to support the split. Obviously they know there is a problem with IB, or they wouldn't be asking for feedback only days after it's launch. Without having verified information of what checks and balances are already in place, it's difficult to make suggestions. All the information available at the moment is "It takes X amount of shots against Level Y target." That's the control that data is gathered from. And more often than not, the numbers are coming up the same in IB as in Crucible. More information needs to be made public as to how things like armor rating, damage, and other modifiers work against players to form proper theorycrafting. If you want more data, just scroll down. There are countless documentations in this thread alone of comparisons between the two gametypes. More in Deej's thread.

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  • Your original post in this topic was: [quote]Additionally, you can't really say skill matters when you have not implemented any sort of skill based matchmaking nor team balancing nor ranking system. You're Bungie FFS.[/quote] I'm trying to get you to elaborate on the issues that you have with it and how it could be fixed in regards to Iron Banner which is what this whole thread is about. Thank you for your response. So for Crucible maybe an additional playlist for people just working on bounties / rep game or at least a more casual playlist. That might work. It could cause an imbalance though if higher level skilled players flooded the causual playlist to earn bounties more easily against unskilled players. It's a good idea though. I know that Destiny has a TruSkill stat which i believe is a DTR score. I dont' know if they use this currently or not. It's possible that it is. If a lower level player is good they might get thrown into a match with higher levels. It's also possible at times that there are just not enough evenly matched players for a match. The system needs to do something so it probably grabs the next best available people. It will never be perfect. I could be wrong and Destiny might not use it at all currently. There are a lot of people upset with Iron Banner yes. I think some got their expectations set too high again and are disappointed they are not one shotting lower level people. I think they were used to the damage scaling from PVE where you one shot lower levels and enemies 2 levels above you one shot you. I don't think they are doing any scaling in Iron Banner. It's just the basic numbers. Hopefully Bungie will release some hard numbers so we can see exactly what the differences are. i agree with you that more information should be made public. It is what my post to Deej says. As for how the posts are I've watched videos and seen threads. Some of them are exaggerated. The level 4 running around with level 28/29's getting kills. It's not hard to figure if they get the last shot in. When that person goes one on one with another player you can see that it takes longer to kill them with an auto-rifle. There is a difference it's just slight. It probably needs to be adjusted a little bit. I don't think that Higher levels should be able to one body shot lower levels though. Maybe for level 30's if they have a scout rifle 10's and below 1 headshot, 10-20 2 headshots, 20-25 3 head shots. 25-30 4 headshots. Something like that. A lower level might have to unload an entire clip of their primary and use their secondary to have to kill a higher level.

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  • Oh I don't think I should be able to kill someone in a single shot. That would get stale fast, even if it is a limited time event. However, when it takes the same amount of time to kill some one 1 level lower than me as it does someone 20 levels lower... It isn't a noticeable difference. I rarely run across any level 30s so I don't have much first hand experience towards my output being reduced. That quoted section of my initial post was more towards Deejs statement regarding skill vs power in a sense that there really is no measurement of skill in this game at all currently. Back onto skill rating, I'm curious if it would be account bound, or based on character.

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  • From my experience in Iron Banner and the videos I've watched there is a difference in the amount of time it takes to kill someone. In the lvl 4 video it took 4 seconds with an auto-rifle to get a 25-28 down to 25% health. Normally an auto-rifle in Crucible only takes about 2 seconds to kill someone. It is noticable but it's not a lot, I agree on that point. It should be tweaked some. For the skill ratings, if you're a good player, you'd be a good player at level 4 as you would be at level 30. In normal Crucible it's balanced so I don't see a problem sticking a level 4 with a level 30 on a team as long as their skill levels were equivalent. In this since account based would probably work. In Iron Banner that would be a different story since the gear/level will make a difference. It would be more complex as you would have to take into account how much defense they have how much attack they have what their truskill is. Then you need to balance all three.

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  • Just want to point out that Blizzard pioneered matchmaking over 2 years before Bungie launched TruSkill.

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  • Yes and No. Sure there was the matchmaking feature, but you were still thrown into games where there were large fluxuations between ladder ranks in SC. So it wasn't exactly skill ranked matchmaking.

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  • Try Warcraft 3 instead

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  • StarCraft was 6 years before, I'm talking about Warcraft III.

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