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10/9/2014 9:52:18 PM
Again, mixing two completely different arguments into one. No one here is complaining about the matchmaking for IB, just how the damage modifiers work, or don't work rather. Making no difference between IB and normal crucible. But I'll try to tackle them both at once, regardless. How to fix matchmaking in Iron Banner, first fix it in Crucible all together. Bring TruSkill or H2 ranking back. It's obvious when there are people who are serious about PvP and when there are those who just do it to goof around and do the bounties. Creating social and ranked options helps create the divide where competition and mundain task grinding can be done separately. The player base is large enough to support the split. Obviously they know there is a problem with IB, or they wouldn't be asking for feedback only days after it's launch. Without having verified information of what checks and balances are already in place, it's difficult to make suggestions. All the information available at the moment is "It takes X amount of shots against Level Y target." That's the control that data is gathered from. And more often than not, the numbers are coming up the same in IB as in Crucible. More information needs to be made public as to how things like armor rating, damage, and other modifiers work against players to form proper theorycrafting. If you want more data, just scroll down. There are countless documentations in this thread alone of comparisons between the two gametypes. More in Deej's thread.

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