Explain why or why not Destiny is or isn't on your top 10.
[b]Update:[/b] and just as i suspected. the destiny fanboys top 10 are all full of FPS and just plain bad and corny games. some people really surprised me by not having many shooters at all in their lists but still having destiny
You guys should really either expand your gaming selections, or play SOMETHING other than a shooter...
I think you'd find there are MUCH better games out there as long as you're willing to go outside your comfort zone.
Edited by AldeArte: 10/10/2014 4:01:52 AMIn no particular order because I like them all. -halo (all of them... Except reach, ruined the cannon) -C&C Tib sun -Pokemon sapphire -dark souls -stonehearth -starbound -the last of us -mass effect series -civilisation beyond earth (not out yet but it's gonna be awesome) -fallout 3! Destiny isn't on it but it's still an amazing game just could have been better so that's why. Also the list is always changing and will likely change again when I get shadow of mordor, the division, and others.
-Starfox 64 -Battlefield 2142 -Pokemon yellow -Halo 2 (3 and Reach are close) -Borderlands -Super Smash Bros. -Ken Griffey Jr's Slugfest -Black -Rainbow Six Vagas 2 -Call of Duty (original)
Yes, yes it is
Seeing as I can only remember a few months back at a time. Yes destiny is on my list.
Edited by Jibtendo: 10/10/2014 2:57:58 AMHalo 2 Halo 3 Super Smash Bros Melee Super Mario Sunshine Fable 2 Bioshock Bioshock 2 Dark Souls 1& 2 Every Mass Effect Fallout 3 / NV Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door Kirby 64 Skate 3 Skyrim Portal 2 Borderlands 1 & 2 And Destiny. I like this game. Sorry I have a bunch of favorites
Not in order: Mw2 Halo 2 Destiny:) Cod4:mw Mass effect 2 Mass effect 3 Gears 2 Gears 3 Counter strike Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 Those are the first that came to mind! And yes destiny is definitely on mine!
Doom Series Garry's Mod Half Life Series Day of Defeat: Source Counter-strike: Source Fallout 3 Diablo 2 Unreal Tournament Halo 2 Rainbow Six
Edited by Bullett Killz: 10/10/2014 3:50:14 AM1. Legend of Zelda (NES) 2. Super Mario Bros 3. (NES) 3. Mike Tyson's Punch Out (NES) 4. Super Mario World (SNES) 5. Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (N64) 6. Goldeneye 007 (N64) 7. Oblivion (360) 8. Halo 2 (360) 9. Halo 3 (360) 10. Skyrim (360) Destiny is somewhere in my top 20.
short answer is hell no destiny is not in it. bungie has not given us the whole game we all ready fukn payed for. knowing what i know now i never would have bought this empty sad lie of a game.
Edited by ColdAsHeaven: 10/10/2014 3:44:51 AMIn no particular order: Halo 2 and 3 Crysis 1, 2 and 3 Pokemon Ruby Last of Us Modern Warfare 2 Dragonball Z Tenkaichi 3 Assassins Creed 2, Revelations and Black Flag (counting as 1 game) Darksiders (1 and 2) God of War 1-3.
(No particular order) Halo CE Halo 3 MW2 BF3 Pokemon X/Y Destiny Gears of War 3 Yugioh Kirby series GTAV
(No order) Halo series Sly Cooper series Jak and daxter Ratchet and clank Ape Escape Gears of war series Cod 4 (modern warfare) Mortal kombat Dinosaurs for hire (Sega) Destiny
Edited by Precursor Steel: 10/10/2014 3:50:38 AM10.Tak 2 the staff of dreams (don't judge me) 9. Sonic Adventure (series) 8. Mario Kart (series) 7. Gears of War (series) 6. Batman: Arkham (series except for origins) 5. Skyrim 4. Halo (series) 3. Donkey Kong 64 2. Super Mario (series) 1. Super Smash bros (series) It isn't in my top 10 because I have a sort of Nostalgic connection with most of games listed. More newer games like Skyrim, Gears, and I guess you can say Halo are in my top 10 list because each of those games does one thing exceptionally well. For Skyrim it was the atmosphere. For Gears it was the heavy and gory gameplay. For Halo it was the Story and multiplayer. Destiny does no one thing exceptionally well but it does many things that are good (except for story). It may not be in my top 10, but it sure has a place in my top 20.
1. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time 2. Mass Effect 3. Mass Effect 2 4. Halo 3 5. Halo: Reach 6. Gears of War 2 7. Metal Gear Solid 3 8. Destiny 9. Skyrim 10. Ratchet and Clank 2
Can't believe no one said nba jams!!
Hmmmm. All time? I've been playing video games longer than most of you have been alive. Mayyyyyyybe. I am quite addicted at the moment.
Edited by M3AN M4CHIN3: 10/10/2014 3:24:17 AMHalo 2 WoW Halo CE Halo 3 Destiny Legend of Dragoon Chrono Trigger Fallout 3 FF X Perfect Dark (N64 original not x360 remake
-Not in order- Halo Series (Actually first though) Destiny Homefront Crysis Series Smash Bros Pokemon Rainbowsix Vegas 2 Battlefield Series Gears 3 Can't really think of a last one.
final fantasy 7 resident evil 1 and 2 mario brothers 3 far cry 3 fallout 3 borderlands 2 the entire elder scrolls series world of warcraft(early years) goldeneye pong destiny might make it into the top 100 for me....maybe
Pokemon Red RBI Baseball (Snes) Madden 2002 NCAA Football 2004 Animal Crossing Advanced Wars NBA Street Volume 2 Super Smash Bros Melee MLB The Show 14 Destiny
Pokemon Sonic the Hedgehog 2 & 3 Mario Kart Super smash bros. Perfect Dark GTA V/ Vice City Donkey Kong 64 Zelda OoT FIFA Destiny (but only just, still needs a lot of improvement)
Edited by PSmvp: 10/10/2014 3:15:25 AM(Not in Order) Jak 2 Ratchet and clank: Up Your Arsenal Sly 2 Resistance Fall of man LittleBigPlanet Journey Fez Battlefront (everyone of them) Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Zelda Ocarina of Time
Edited by r1nr: 10/10/2014 3:08:20 AMThese are just ones that had a lasting impression on me....In no real order. -smash bros. -halo reach -just cause 2 -split/second -spec ops. The line -halo 2 -jet force Gemini -TES: Morrowind -burnout 3 takedown -Star wars KOTOR [spoiler]finding out I was a Sith Lord in the end made it that much better[/spoiler] Honorable mentions:assassins creed series, super time force, Nba Streets vol. 2, Mercenaries: playground of destruction,sleeping dogs.
May not be my top 10 but it does have my 100+ hour stamp of approval.
destiny destiny destiny destiny destiny destiny destiny destiny destiny destiny not really.