Honestly destiny makes me upset yet I love it so much. Something about it just screams potential even though it dropped the ball big time.
I'd like to have them make it what I wish it would become rather than get my $60 back that I couldn't do much with anyways. I'll consider it a small investment in a potentially bright future for this game.
Exactly. And if you have friends to play with/party chat while you patrol, run vanguard strikes, crucible, etc, it's pretty fun in the meantime. There's a lot more to Destiny, clearly, but I'm very happy with what I have now and look forward to refinements over time. And they're already happening. And with almost 185 in-game hours so far, I've already gotten my money's worth. Granted, my preferences lie a bit outside those of the average western gamer, but that just speaks to the strengths of something like Destiny. The gameplay and the interactions/experiences with your friends are the meat. If you came for a solo story-based shooter with easily mastered PvP, you done -BLAM!-ed up.