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10/9/2014 11:30:41 PM
[quote]Again you STILL DONT get it. regular crucible is for anyone under lvl 20. Iron Banner is for anyone over.[/quote] Is it? Is this some rule I was unaware of? [quote] A lvl 20(let alone anything higher like the lvl 30 you keep mentioning) should destroy them mercilessly. Weak lvl 5 common weapons shouldnt even scratch semi upgraded or fully upgraded armor. Weak lvl 5 commom armor should be chewed like tissue paper in the face of legendary weapons[/quote] You're right, they shouldn't...if it was purely a gear dependent/clvl gamemode...but it isn't.....that's where player skill comes in....I already addressed this: [quote] There has to be some degree of skill coming into effect to offset the lvl differnece, otherwise there would be no point in fighting if players were so far from each other in lvl, since the higher lvl player would always win. If it was just a gear dependent game mode, they would need to have lvl tiers to balance it out, like lvl 1-9, 10-19, etc. [/quote] and Deej hinted on it as well. [quote]Power Matters, but so does skill.[/quote] If you want a game mode where anyone can vs anyone, there needs to be some form of balance. It can't just be based on player gear and lvl. I covered this as well: [quote]How IB is now now, any lvl vs any lvl, skill needs to be the counterweight to balance things out, otherwise how would a lvl 5 ever have a chance against a lvl 25? [/quote] You keep saying a lvl 5 shouldn't have a chance against a lvl 30, and you are right. A lvl 5 shouldn't even be allowed to fight against a lvl 30, but they are allowed to vs each other, so there has to be a balance mechanism in place, otherwise it would be pointless to allow them to fight each other in the first place.

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