Bullets fly overhead threatening to clear your head right off of your shoulders. You flinch each time a bullet pierces your shield. You whip around and let your guns blaze the battlefield with sweat spilling off of your body.
In reality you are there sitting on the couch with your face up to the screen with your eyes fully bloodshot with sweat coating your skin. You are calm, you are composed for once, happy that you are on top of the game. Go you fricking MVP! You are something special!
You slide through the grass and dirt behind another column with a bullet nearly striking you. You smile at your guardian wondering how it would live without you.
The match ends and you are ecstatic with what you earned. You won a new gun and a new piece of armor, both legendary. Because that literally never happens you went on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, tumblr, and even MySpace. You are proud of yourself, I am proud of you, good job pal :)
[i] We got a badass over here![/i]
Then the next match comes along and you are revved up for some action. Nothing could bring you down now! Nothing at all because of how amazing you did! That definitely brought up your crap KDR! So this match will be another improvement! Right?
No, just no.
Your guardian rounds the corner with a sniper rifle in it's grasp. On your radar you see a red area just up ahead and you know deep down inside that you will beat this person. You rolled the dice and you saw the winning numbers. You rush ahead with your ego worn as your protection.
[i]Hurry guardian! Hurry! The enemy is just up ahead! [/i]
Your radar is completely red now but you don't see your opponent. Where could they be? You question Destiny then: [i]The game tends to have so many mess ups so just maybe my radar is wrong...[/i] Just as soon as that thought zipped through your head a scattered blow follows. Your guardian drops to the ground right before your eyes and your heart jumps up into your throat restricting you from screaming.
[i]How did I-[/i]
Your dead ghost floating around still showed an enemy coming up from off of the camera view. There a hunter stands over your guardians ghost with a glinting look on their mask that was filled with happiness from the hunt. The hunter slowly kneels down and drops a sweet T-bag on you making the tears gush out from your eyes. The pain of seeing your smexxi guardian disgraced like that filled you with so many mixed emotions that you couldn't convey them all into one expression.
You spam the square button to respawn and once you do you have your heart set on that dirty little camper. [i]There that little -blam!- sits [/i]you think to yourself with your sweaty hands making it hard to hold your controller right. [i]I know he's there! He's waiting for me to come back! I know he is! [/i]
As you approach the location you last spotted him you see a faint red area on your radar. He moved but only slightly. That won't change a thing, you know that you will kill him this time. To improve your chances you bring out your RPG and don't even care if the rocket kills you too, at least that little camper is dead.
You approach his marked territory with your gun ready. You turn your character in a 360 degree rotation but don't see him anywhere. You look around hoping to find him but see no one at all in the vast murky land.
All of a sudden a bullet charges past your guardian making you crawl out of your skin. You allow yourself to look up to see the little camper on top of a pillar.
Up there the little camper has everything he needs. He has a bed for when he gets tired when the enemies don't show up fast enough. He has a fridge for when he gets hungry. He's so chill right now he isn't even wearing his high class armor, he isn't worried about you one bit.
You roll your eyes and shoot your rocket at him. But silly you weren't aimed correctly! You shot at the column but you shot so low that you blasted off half of your shield. Just as a scream tears free from your throat a bullet embeds itself into your skull. As your body thumps to the ground the happy little camper jumps off of his pillar with a smile beaming brightly and sets himself right above you to give you the t-bag of your life.
Back at spawn you give your teammates a hopeful look just praying that they would follow you into battle against that one little guy who literally brought his home to the game world. Your teammates looks back at you with apologetic grimaces. That camper that keeps killing you isn't the only camper in the game... The entire enemy team is camping which is why you haven't ran into any other player except for this one.
Out of curiosity to know how the entire team just decided to camp you looked at the score board. There in their names sits the one word that made shivers run down your spine.
[i]No! No! [/i]You drop your controller with your jaw next to the piece of plastic. Out of every game you could possibly join you join the one with campers! Out of every game this was the one you were thrusted into!
You are no quitter though, well there was that one time in Call of Duty Black Ops during Search And Destroy... And there was also that one time in World of Warcraft. Another time in Battlefield... But so far not Destiny! You made an oath to never rage quit this game!
You change your load-out bringing up the weapons that you hate when other players use. That's why you have those weapons, to show people how much you hate them while using them! Such logic!
You charge back into the quiet battlefield with your shotgun ready to do some damage. And there he is sitting up on the column watching a Pixar movie and drinking coffee. The camper casually looks down at you then sighs in disappointment, he really thought you would just stop coming to visit him to kill him... He stands up slowly and stretches then grabs his gun with a roll of his shoulders then he just stands there waiting for you to make your next move.
[i]Oh! You think you're special! [/i]You jump up into the air and shoot your gun at him depleting half of his shield. Before you could slam your finger against the trigger again the little hunter entered his special power.
You rapidly push the button now trying to kill the camper before he could kill you. The camper didn't shoot you yet though he just kept jumping around with his body blazing bright orange. He jumps around so much that you run out of ammo for your shotgun and have to resort to your pulse rifle. As you switch guns he dances on the field trying to make peace with you so you two can just watch a movie together.
No, you had your mind on blood, his blood. You raise your weapon and pull the trigger. Just as you pulled the trigger so did he and his bullet was shining brightly as it hit you in the chest knocking your body into an epic corpse launch.
You slam your controller onto the floor bawling your little eyes out. [i]The Hunters are so OP![/i] You continue to whine and just stand at spawn as you cry in real life. [i]It's not fair! I did so well last game! [/i]You continue your rage then call him a -blam!- again. When you focus your attention back to the screen you see the same player who you have been after the whole game standing right in front of you.
He stretches his hand out towards you looking for forgiveness so you two can just be friends and watch some movies and camp together. You let out another scream this time waking up your mom. You grab your messed up controller and instead of killing him you jump off the map and do something you swore you wouldn't...
You quit.
You left the game!
You have officially became a rager!
If only he heard you screaming!
[b]Two hours later...[/b]
You are at home after eating at McDonald's with your friends and sit down in front of your TV. For some magical reason your PS4 didn't shut itself off during that time. You grab your controller with calm intentions. You notice that you have a message icon and decide to check it.
From CamperSpecialistx: hey bro why you leave me? I only wanted to be your friend. We could have camped together! Your gamer tag can be one of ours! Come back to the dark side, I don't bite ;)
You let out a deep breath and decide to reply.
You: Dear Gaylord... WTH camps!? Really? There is no skill in that! All you are doin is staring at your screen waiting for people to pass by! Get a life feg!
From Camper Specialist: technically we are all just staring at a screen playing the same game. You were playing offensive and I won because defense logic.
-Love you ^.-
Instead of indulging the camper you ignore him and begin playing. You aren't letting him get under your skin. You join another crucible match and then...
Every person in that camper clan begins spamming you.
[b]The End! [/b]
For now!
I find campers funny whether they are my teammates, enemies, or even myself. Something about that little surprise I get from being met by someone in a corner makes me laugh. Silly campers :)
Campers don't ruin the game by the way the people who get butt hurt over the game and rage ruin the game.
More stories to come! Let's make this story time a thing! Let's bring something to the forums.
I hope you found this entertaining.
If you want to play a game with me just pm me.
- Keep being awesome!
Story Time With Tragedy
Edited by CFE Loki Charms: 10/10/2014 2:53:00 AMWell. When that happens. All you can do is sing.