Seaweed-Face is coming back. Tomorrow morning... so, what's on the Exotic menu this week?
As always, I'm hoping for a second chance to buy [b]Red Death[/b]... though I'd be happy with [b]The Last Word[/b]. For armor, I really want the [b]Voidfang Vestments[/b] for my Warlock, or the [b]Helm of Dire AhamKara[/b]... this is also the first time I've saved up enough Motes of Light to buy an Exotic Engram. I'm thinking I'll give that a try, see if I get something good.
I really just wanna get an exotic weapon other than the shotty I have. Just something I could shoot long distance with beit a sniper or autorifle although I only have 13 coins at the moment.. ;__;