This post was from a month ago. Any and all new members must be raid ready, play often, and get along with the group. Selctions will be slim.
We have had an influx of almost 40 people, im sorry to say but selection will be in place now, until we have a more stable base of players.
The Coup Flux Clan is clan of working guys that have a good sense of humor and love getting together when we are not working. We are willing to help new players, and love to have leveled players to play Nightfall Strikes, VoG, and we even play in PvP from time to time. So if you are are like minded and looking for a group of guys to help you smash some strikes or just some guys to have a good time and farm with, send me a message or add my PSN CHUB1T3KN1GHT
Hey coup flux clan (hilarious name btw) lvl 25 hunter here looking for a clan to do nightfall raids and various other shenanigans.
I've got one of each that lvl from 27 to 29 depending on gear, which is switched often to lvl it. So I have one character hard raid ready and the other two are normal ready. I'm experiences and love having good clean fun.
Edited by RobbyPots: 10/11/2014 4:50:20 AM27-28 Warlock with experience finishing VoG. Looking for a more serious raid group, keep getting stuck with kids.... 29 y/o with mmorpg background. Robbypots
What region/time zone is the clan primarily in? Almost every recruiter forgets to mention that it seems.
Add if your an Active Destiny player like Myself :) PSN:AbstractHero 29 Titan 21 Warlock See you in VOG, Crucible, and nightfall Guardians! Lol Add away! :)
Edited by NashFall99: 11/8/2014 12:33:33 PMI wanna join Warlock lvl 24
I'm in I've got a lvl 25 hunter that's just shy of 26
Would like to join. PSN stopdisplaya
I would love to join lvl 27 Titan
Lvl 24 Hunter looking forward to join you :) Psn; tewaage
Edited by Stook: 10/12/2014 5:45:32 AMRoyalStook lvl: 26 Australian Player PS4
Hello I'd be willing to join in
Edited by NoMercy4TheWeak: 10/11/2014 9:46:59 PMAdd me NoMercy4_TheWeak level 26 hunter looking for some ppl to do the Summing pits on very hard to get thorn any help would be really appreciated
Edited by the real olek: 10/11/2014 5:04:45 PMLevel 25 Hunter, looking for people to do raids, strikes,PVP. PSN: the_real_olek
Hi, I'm looking for a clan so that I can try my hand at the raids and get some of those trophies. Currently a lvl 27 Hunter with maxed out BladeDancer & GunSlinger classes. Def = 1181 Auto Rifle = 244 Fusion Rifle = 267 (Legendary, on last tier of upgrade tree) Sniper Rifile =248 (Legendary. No upgrades yet) LMG = 242 Rocket Laucher = 219 In the UK and frequent player. Up for strike, raids, PVP. Let me know if you would like my to join your clan =) My PSN is GazzaC07
Level 25 Warlock. Looking to join a team to enhance the experience. Play most nights. Australian based. Jackstone007.
would you be interested in an alliance - we have a good solid playerbase and looking to expand too. message me in youre interested.
Lvl 28 Gunslinger & Bladedancer (I have exotics for both). Former competative FPS and MMORPG player. Work full time but always find time to game and pwn and have a good time. Always down for Strikes/Crucible/Weekly?VoG etc. PSN: Mal-Sin
Level 25 warlock, experienced, ps4 add me devadam135
I'm doing a raid run on normal level 30 looking for 4 more people add my PSN KAiSTeR69 send message saying normal raid
Psn: sugky level 24 titan. Looking to do weekly strikes to improve my level with a fireteam
I have three characters.... Hunter: 25, Titan: 25 n warlock: 18 add me angeal70
26 Titan, I'll add you tomorrow morning, if that's cool
pan Fizduj lvl 29 class hunter
Lvl 21 Hunter would like to join.
hey level 24 hunter, can i join your clan?