We are looking for more players who are interested in raiding on the weekends. We have have jobs, we got that cheddar, we just need more for our weekend raids! This doesn't mean we don't play during the week, in fact, we play every single night. We have raided VoG and looking to start hard mode soon. If you want to join and raid with us, you have to have these qualifications --
[u][b]1. Headset and working mic
2. Great sense of humor
3. The urge and readiness for possible late night raid times (weekends)
4. The gear to be able to hold your own in either a raid or a weekly nightfall. We clear both. [i](lvl 28 or above + legendary/exotic gear)[/i]
5. A profound hunger to play all the time!
6. Xbox 1 player[/b][/u]
If you don't want to raid but still want to join the Redeemers, then you can join at any level. We however, do not carry players, so if you are looking to get easy loot off of our efforts while you sit in the back and do nothing, then we are not the clan for you. With that said, we are still super helpful with our members as long as they also help themselves!
Just incase you scrolled past all the raiding requirements, we do accept any player of any level and help them bloom into a great Destiny player.
You can join by clicking on the clan link above!!
Edit (9/29/14) --- we cleared VoG 3 times last weekend, we make sure our recruits and new members get their loot every week! If we get a few more solid players, we will start a second raid group!!
Edit (10/6/14) -- minimum required level is now 28! we are pushing into hard mode and cracking our heads in there and we would like our members to be lvl 29 but 28 is still do-able! (all levels still accepted, just have a required level for raids! We are a great group to join if your level 20 and want some players to carry you through tiger strikes, most of us just solo them anyway)
Edit (10/9/14) -- We cleared hard mode VoG with a half clan raid! Gratz to those who got that fat loot! ...On another note, we are looking to get the achievement this weekend with a full raid completion with all clan members! So make sure to set our group as your clan!
Edit (10/21/14) -- We have a great roster full of players, but we NEED more for HARDMODE!
Lvl 28 Titan. Very interested in joining.