I get disconnected from nearly every freaking Crucible game I play. It's absolutely ridiculous, and I'd like an explanation as to why this only happens with the matchmaking in YOUR game. Do you even understand how frustrating it is to get kicked right when you start doing well and having a good time? I seriously can't explain how bad it feels to be playing and having fun and then out of nowhere, BOOM. Black screen, it's over. Better luck next time. 2 thirds of the current bounties are for the Crucible, and I can't even play it! Come on Bungie!
I was in that last game for less then a minute. Awesome!
Number of disconnects since post: 5
Number of successful games since post: 0
I get error code bee if I play clash or control and can never finish a match. This rules out iron banner for me completely. Strangely I don't get it playing rumble or skirmish. I just want them to fix the game. Not a lot to ask
What error code are you getting and also if you are only receiving errors in crucible it's a pretty high chance the issues are with your network. What type of network are you on, how are you connected to it on your console, and what fixes have you tried so far? Hard to give help without that information.