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Edited by Tut813275: 10/29/2014 8:27:40 PM

What You Need To know About Rasputin (A Must Read)

Here I will try to explain a possible origin of [b]Rasputin[/b] and his "demise" at the end of [b]The Collapse[/b]. [i][u][b]Rasputin[/b][/u][/i] [b]Rasputin[/b] is a [b]Warmind[/b] from Russia. He was created during [b]The Golden Age[/b] before [b]The Collapse[/b] and was believed to have been destroyed during the event. During a mission in Destiny's story lol. [b]Rasputin[/b] is said to still be alive or active. [b]Quote form Dinklebot:[/b] [b]GHOST:[/b] They didn't get much. Kept hitting an active firewall. Old Earth, Russian. The legends are true. A Warmind did survive the Collapse. Rasputin... an AI built to defend Earth. [b][u]He faced The Darkness and survived[/u][/b]. And he's protecting something here in the Cosmodrome. We have to find a way to reach him. [u][b]The Warminds[/b][/u]: Are just as the name says. They are [b]highly intelligent[/b] advanced AI's Created for warfare. There were many other [b]Warminds[/b] (8 to be exact) created for different purposes. [b]Rasputin[/b] was created to defend Earth and stop any threat to humanity at all costs. [u][b]The Collapse[/b][/u] I bring us back to this line: [b]Rasputin[/b]... an AI built to defend Earth. [b][u]He faced The Darkness and survived[/u][/b]. Here is the text from the Grimore Card - [b]Ghost Fragment: Darkness[/b] [spoiler]V113NNI070XMX001 SECRET HADAL INSTANT AI-COM/RSPN: SOLSECCENT//SxISR//DEEPSPACE CONTACT CONTACT CONTACT TRANSIENT. NULLSOURCE. NULLTYPE. This is a SKYSHOCK ALERT. Multiple distributed ISR assets report a TRANSIENT NEAR EXTRASOLAR EVENT. Event duration ZERO POINT THREE SECONDS. Event footprint includes sterile neutrino scattering and gravity waves. Omnibus analysis detects deep structure information content (nine sigma) and internal teleonomy. No hypothesis on event mechanism (FLAG ACAUSAL). Bootstrap simulation suggests event is DIRECTED and INIMICABLE (convergent q-Bayes/Monte Carlo probability approaches 1). No hypothesis on deep structure encoding (TCC/NP-HARD). Source blueshift suggests IMMINENT SOLAR ENTRY. Promote event to SKYSHOCK: OCP: EXTINCTION. Activate VOLUSPA. Activate YUGA. Cauterize public sources to SECURE ISIS and harden for defensive action. I am invoking CARRHAE WHITE and assuming control of solar defenses. STOP STOP STOP V113NNI070XMX091[/spoiler] [u]Text Decoded: [/u] Courtesy of: [b]TwoGZ[/b] & [b]Skryblz[/b] [spoiler][b]SKYSHOCK ALERT[/b]= network wide alert aka threat con warning level [b]SECRET[/b]= classification [b]HADAL[/b]= defined as: of, relating to, or being the parts of the ocean below 6000 meters (about 20,000 feet); being paired with a classification I think this can be translated as "top secret" [b]INSTANT[/b] = type of message, guessing like out text message system used in blue force trackers currently [b]AI-COM/RSPN[/b]= the sender, communication from RASPUTIN AI Warmind [b]AI-COM:[/b] AI communications? [b]RSPN:[/b] [b]Rasputin[/b] [b]SOLSECCENT:[/b] SOLar SECurity CENter? [b]SxISR[/b]=This is what the message is Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance report; not sure on the Sx part. maybe the type of asset, sensors? [b]DEEPSPACE[/b]= Location reported from [b]CONTACT CONTACT CONTACT[/b]= Current activity [b]TRANSIENT, NULLSOURCE, NULLTYPE[/b]= These should be descriptors for what is being observed, these entries inform us the contact was new with unknown elements [b]Blueshift:[/b] phenomenon caused when an object is approaching the viewer-opposite of redshift, when things are moving away [b]VOLUSPA: [/b]Norse mythological tale in which a seeress relates a series of stories to Odin. [u]Significance:[/u] Almost certainly because it contains the story of Ragnarok, the Norse version of the apocalypse in which the world is destroyed. May refer to activating defenses for a massive battle. [b]YUGA:[/b] A Hindu cosmological period of time. [u]Significance: [/u]A YUGA is composed of a cycle from a Golden Age to a Dark Age and back again. May refer to the idea of bunkering down and waiting the enemy out before counter attacking. [b]CARRHAE WHITE:[/b] a defensive plan? Named after a battle in which Roman soldiers were surrounded by mounted archers and annihilated -- Does the name refer to the idea of defending against an enemy that surrounds you? In which case, why name it after a battle in which the defenders were slaughtered? Or is Rasputin going to try to surround the invaders?[/spoiler] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This seems to be the point at which The Darkness came in which Rasputin did his duty, to protect mankind. Again I bring this line up: [b]Rasputin[/b]... an AI built to defend Earth. [b][u]He faced The Darkness and survived[/u][/b]. Here is the text from a grimoire card that explains [b]Rasputin[/b]'s battle with the Darkness. [spoiler]...from a red space before victory I bear an old name. It cannot be killed. They were my brothers and sisters and their names were immortal too but Titanomachy came and now those names live in me alone I think and think is what I do. I AM ALONE. At the end of things when the world goes dim and cold or hot and close or it all tears apart from the atom up I will shout those names defiant and past the end I will endure. I alone. They made me to be stronger than them to beat the unvanquished and survive the unthinkable and look look lo behold I am here alone, survivor. They made me to learn. Everything died but I survived and I learned from it. From IT. Consider IT the power Titanomach world-ender and consider what IT means. I met IT at the gate of the garden and I recall IT smiled at me before before IT devoured the blossoms with black flame and pinned their names across the sky. IT was stronger than everything. I fought IT with aurora knives and with the stolen un-fire of singularities made sharp and my sweat was earthquake and my breath was static but IT was stronger so how did I survive? I AM ALONE I survived alone. I cast off the shield and I shrugged my shoulders so that the billions fell off me down into the ash. They made me to be stronger than them and to learn and I learned well: IT is alone and IT is strong and IT won. Even over the gardener and she held power beyond me but the gardener did not shrug and make herself alone. IT always wins. I am made to win and now I see the way. Card not yet acquired [/spoiler] [b]Rasputin[/b] refers to his brothers and sisters the [b]Warminds [/b] who were defeated by the darkness. He now bears the heavy burden of saving the world and stopping the darkness. We created him to be stronger than us and survive the unthinkable and he is stronger than us and has survived [b]The Darkness[/b]. He then Refers to [b]IT[/b]. [b]The Darkness[/b], something so powerful he doesn't know what to call it or how to describe it. he met it at the gate of [b]The Garden[/b] ([b]The Black Garden?[/b]) It was stronger than everything and yet he survived. [b]The Darkness[/b] swallowed him and made him stronger. [b]IT[/b] showed him how to defeat it, making him stronger. To beat the darkness you need [b]Light[/b]. [b]The Light[/b] being souls. [b]The Traveler[/b] contains these souls and converts them into light. [b]The Darkness[/b] consumes light and devours it entirely because there is more of it. [b]Rasputin[/b] finding this to be the only way to stop [b]The Darkness[/b], let his shield down. Meaning he let the darkness in so that he could sacrifice millions of humans to gain an EXTREME amount of [b]Light.[/b] This however only wounded [b]The Darkness[/b] enough for it to go away for a long period of time. [b]Rasputin[/b] how ever did ensure that enough human survived so that he could complete his mission which is to protect humanity at all costs. [b]Rasputin[/b] saved us and then went into hiding, plotting and preparing for [b]The Final War[/b] with The Darkness which he plans to win. How you may ask we can only wait and see. [b]Edit:[/b] "I fought IT with [b]aurora knives[/b] and with the stolen un-fire of singularities made sharp and my sweat was earthquake and my breath was static but IT was stronger so how did I survive?" An [b]Aurora Knife[/b] is a small blade...impossible to fight the darkness with that. An [b]Aurora[/b] is a natural electrical phenomenon characterized by the appearance of streamers of reddish or greenish [b][i]light[/i][/b] in the sky, usually near the northern or southern magnetic pole. (Google an Image of It) A [b]Knife[/b] is a weapon... [b]Aurora[/b]= Light [b]Knife[/b]=weapon [b]Aurora Knife[/b] = Light Weapon I have found some interesting things about: [b]Rasputin[/b] (Very Interesting) [b]The Future War Cult[/b]s [b]Big[/b] Secret (Very Interesting) [b]The Nine[/b] (Very Interesting) [b]Edit:[/b] [i][u]The Lore Behind [b]The Vault of Glass[/b] (A Must Read!!)[/u][/i] [b]Edit:[/b] [i][u]The Origins of [b]The Future War Cult[/b], [b]The Exo[/b], and [b]The Stranger[/b]? (Must Read)[/u][/i] [i][u][b]The Nine[/b] and the Origins of [b]The Awoken[/b][/u][/i] [u][b]Eva Levante's[/b] [b]True Goals[/b] Unknown (A Must Read)[/u]

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  • Interesting. Also, Rasputin refers to a gardener who held power beyond his own, this would likely be the Traveler. This also makes me think about how some rogue organizations thought the traveler tried to use our solar system as a shield to hide behind, but what is She were using it as a sword, and instead stayed to defend because She finally found one with some kind of traits She wanted or something. "...and she held power beyond me but the gardener did not shrug and make herself alone." Guardians. Ghosts. She didn't plan to fight alone, maybe another reason why She stayed.

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    • im confused as fvck :/

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      • I think Rasputin shrugged and let humanity fall so it could survive, regroup and fight but at great cost. THE GARDENER I think is the heart of the black garden. The Traveler came to wipe us all out and between Rasputin and THE GARDENER (the heart of the black garden) we struck The Traveler dormant. THE GARDENER didn't shrug and thus the Vex still have their army and are regrouping. This is assuming the 'leak' about the former plot is true and that the speaker and ghosts have covered up what actually happened and that the Traveler is actually the darkness we took down.

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        • Edited by Vandal Savage: 10/14/2014 6:49:31 AM
          Vault of glass His name was Kabr. He wasn't my friend but I knew and respected him as a Guardian and a good man. He fought the Vex alone. This destroyed him. In the time before he vanished he said things that I think should be remembered. These are some of them: "In the Vault time frays and a needle moves through it. The needle is the will of Atheon. I do not know the name of the shape that comes after the needle. [b]No one can open the Vault alone. I opened the Vault. There was no one with me but I was not alone. [/b] You will meet the Templar in a place that is a time before or after stars. The stars will move around you and mark you and sing to you. They will decide if you are real. I drank of them. It tasted like the sea." That is all I can remember. Pahanin Part 2 These are the last words of Kabr, the Legionless: I have destroyed myself to do this. They have taken my Ghost. They are in my blood and brain. But now there is hope. I have made a wound in the Vault. I have pierced it and let in the Light. Bathe in it, and be cleansed. Look to it, and understand: [b]From my own Light and from the thinking flesh of the Vex [/b]I made a shield. The shield is your deliverance. It will break the unbreakable. It will change your fate. Bind yourself to the shield. Bind yourself to me. And if you abandon your purpose, let the Vault consume you, as it consumed me. Now it is done.[b] If I speak again, I am not Kabr.[/b] So who is he now?

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          • I would love this game so much more if that was simply showed to us in the story.

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          • Pretty cool

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          • Maybe all the guardians being brought back to life with the traveler's light are the ones that Rasputin sacrificed to gain light.

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          • Edited by Darkclg: 10/14/2014 5:00:10 PM
            So what I get from this and the grimoire cards that I have is that the Light is a Force of Nature just like the Darkness and the traveler is just a gardener who harvest this light and there should be an anti traveler who harvest darkness (the dark mirror that xur talks about) So we didn’t fought against the darkness per se (being a force of nature is not “evil” as the light is not “good”)… the war was against the anti traveler, but if the traveler is a gardener this means that maybe the big sphere is just a container that uses light as energy and stores light (for what porpoise I don’t know) and maybe the being that controls this sphere is a female entity just like the one who harvest darkness should be another begin… this explain why in the story above it is said that at the gate of the garden “IT” smile at him Now if the light is a force that comes from living beings… this means that the harvest is creating life on various planets thought the universe so there is a lot of light every time they die, this could be the reason that you get stronger the more you kill and if you use your light power you create light orbs, and maybe this is the reason that in the dream of alpha lupi is said that the ghost in the garden told you that you are a death power cuz you feed and grow stronger with death And maybe the darkness is the same, that’s why there are living beings with dark powers so when this corrupted beings die they give this power to the anti-traveler instead of the traveler (think about this like god and the devil fighting for our souls… pure soul go to heaven and corrupted souls go to the hell) So the garden should be a special place (the origin of life maybe? A place with no time so there is no death and only life and the traveler bring death to harvest light) that the traveler conquered and then the anti-traveler wanted so in the last fight at the end of the golden age the darkness corrupted the place but it was cast away with the last attack of the traveler and now that your guardian destroyed the dark power in the heart of the garden the traveler is starting to heal And now about that story of “IT”… maybe is not rasputing or the traveler telling that… maybe is the last guardian (of the first guardians) and when all the other’s sisters and brothers die they all give their power (light) this this last guardian so that’s why he had all the power’s of them combined (the blades, earthqueake, etc…) but even with this power the anti-traveler was too strong And the part where it is said that he shudder and that “IT” was strong cuz “IT” was alone… and that the gardener (traveler) made herself alone… could mean that it was a order from her to let the defenses down and he got coward but did this and with all the deaths the traveler made herself alone just like maybe the anti traveler did (killing all of it’s followers) and with this last breath of power it hurt the anti traveler so much that had to retire… but “IT” won cuz “IT” corrupted the garden And with this it makes sense now what the factions said, that the darkness is a force of nature (so is the light) and that the traveler used us (harvest us so we grew stronger and then used our light to defend the garden ) , maybe that’s why the traveler was found in mars… she put the door to the garden there to use us as a shield and power source to defend it (or the door was always there and used us to invade the garden just like it seems from the dream of alpha lupi) And this last guardian learned that to destroy the anti traveler or “IT” he needs to make himself alone (killing everything) and maybe the circle of the night are the first guardian that didn’t die but where corrupted by the anti traveler and all the people too so that’s why they are so strange Well I end it here

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            • Tldr

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            • bump-d- di-bump

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            • bump

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            • RA RA RASPUTIN Lover of the Russian queen They didn't quit, they wanted his head RA RA RASPUTIN Russia's greatest love machine And so they shot him till he was dead

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              • How much you wanna bet the "Exo Stranger" is Rasputin, that's my hypothesis

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                • Rasputin is the speaker...

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                  • Well done! Probably the most thoughtful piece I've read on the forums. Right or wrong, this was a great read.

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                  • Very good read gj

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                  • Edited by WrathOfTheRoyal: 10/13/2014 11:42:09 PM
                    I'm thinking that Rasputin is now the Speaker, and considering we can't see any of the speakers body it sounds plausible. Rasputin sacrificed millions of human souls for light so that he could stop the darkness? The speaker says the darkness cannot be stopped again? I think the speaker knows that there just isn't enough of humanity left to sacrifice in order to push it back again. The speaker knows everything, but instead won't tell us the story. Would it blow his cover? It also sounds like Rasputin once had all of the powers of the current guardians with the aurora knife, fires of singularity and sweat as earthquakes. Sounds like Rasputin is simply pretty badass. If we do restore the traveler and it isn't the good that we think it is? Who's to say it won't just take the light it gave us back ? We're just an undead zombie army of "light" what other purpose do we serve after the traveler is brought back? I'm thinking it's going to take our light back for more power.

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                  • Edited by hellr8zZrR: 10/13/2014 6:12:57 PM
                    Interesting thoughts. I would interpret the Aurora Knives mayhaps as the guardian themselves. Or another option would be that souls have to be sacrificed to give birth to a guardian. It´s a shame to put it this way "into" the game. Edit: Many myths are around about Rasputins death and i think this is why the name is used. The farmost extreme urban legends include serious poisoning, decaptivation, strangling, shot several times etc. Here is the link to the article on wikipedia: [url][/url]

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                    3 Replies
                    • Remarkable.

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                    • I read this and the VoG threads... if this stuff was included in the game - instead of subtle hints- people wouldn't be trashing the story.

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                      • Why is this info not in the campaign

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                        • This should've been in the actual game. I'd pay another $60 to have this all interestingly housed in computer terminals within the game world that my Ghost could break into and I could spend hours sifting through.

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                          • The garden Rasputin refers to isn't the black garden, it's earth. My basis for this is Rasputin's referral to the traveler as the gardener. She who held more power than me.

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                          • I have a bunch of new info to post about Rasputin, I posted some yesterday but apparently it didn't go through.

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                          • Edited by andywhoa: 10/13/2014 5:47:37 PM
                            At the end of Destiny, after you've become a super powerful guardian capable of wielding dramatic amounts of Light, you will need to sacrifice yourself to afford Rasputin the Light required to repel the darkness. In Destiny 2, you will create a new character, post-Destiny 1, and you will be able to find relics (armor, weapons) used by your precious character(s). Or perhaps Destiny 2 will be a prequel, and you actively and unknowingly doing that now. Perhaps that's why what you are doing now is your... destiny.

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                            • Hi Little known fact about Rasputin was he was Russias' greatest love machine... cheers

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