U have too wait 5 mins for a ammo synthetic so I'll wait 5 sec for ammo on the icebreaker[spoiler]plus it goes pfu pfu when u use icebreaker [/spoiler]
5 seconds for 1 bullet. That means you can only shoot Atheon 9 times during Times Vengeance where I can shoot him 12+ times. DPS > Damage.
Ammo comes back on icebreaker fast and no need for ammo synthetic it pays for it self [spoiler]so I laugh at your lame sniper [/spoiler]
It takes 30 seconds to load 6 bullets into Icebreaker via regen. What else are you going to spend glimmer on anyways?
Not ammo))
U would have none If u are waiting for ammo synthetic, and really if u know the vault u will know too save a few rounds for times vengeance. Unless ur a noob but then u probably couldn't get that far.
And at that point use ur heavy save ur sniper.
[quote]U have too wait 5 mins for a ammo synthetic so I'll wait 5 sec for ammo on the icebreaker[spoiler]plus it goes pfu pfu when u use icebreaker [/spoiler][/quote] I actually have had 2 p and t and I liked ice breaker so much more I destroyed one patients and time and bought 2 icebreakers [spoiler]so suck on that [/spoiler]