Step one:find feminist
Step two:Stand beside them and loudly play the two and a half men theme on loop.
Step three:???
Step four:AY LMAO
[spoiler]someone mentioned doing this earlier. Credits to that person[/spoiler]
Ask if they want equal pay. [spoiler] Ignore what ever they say and just say"TOO BAD BITCH" and walk away. [/spoiler]
Edited by The Cellar Door: 10/10/2014 11:40:28 PMGo up to her and say "hey bitch you look like a slut wanna -blam!-" when she goes to slap you, back up and say women are equal to men and stab her multiple times in the throat. Guarantee she won't be happy, or alive.
Credits to that person :)
mention rape in any way, shape, or form. They usually get on rants about that stuff. I know it's a huge issue, but please don't scream in my ear about it.