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10/11/2014 3:19:57 AM

The Illusive Hobo man

The Illusive Hobo man is not only a hobo, but he is illusive. Not much is known about him except that he likes to set up strange fortresses throughout the Halo universe. The first sighting was in Reach when UnderwaterSerg and I were messing around in forge. We were working on random buildings when the two of us noticed a strange structure on the pillar of Forge Island. We went to investigate and there was a man with no weapons. After a few seconds, he disappeared, leaving the structure there. It was made of just sandbags. We ignored it and went onto Powerhouse to see if the flying dumpster glitch still worked. I decided to delete some items and we found out there was a dumpster and some pallets along with the same man under the waterfall in the back of the map. We ended up leaving the game as it scared us. A few months later when Halo 4 was released, I noticed that there was the same exact man who showed up in reach. They had another sandbag structure and it looks bad so I decided to call him Hobo man. Even in Halo 3 the man appears with the same brownish armor and MK VI helmet. At this point I got worried and took a break off of Halo games. About a year later I got back into Halo and noticed he never appeared anymore. However until just this night, the Illusive Hobo man made his strange return, but with a gravity hammer in his hands. He followed me and my friends throughout our games with his hammer. We ended up dying multiple times from him and when we did, it just said killed by him. This is what really freaked us out as we've never seen anything like this. Just a few minutes ago, he showed up out of nowhere and my Xbox froze so I turned it off, and couldn't get it turned back on until just now. The thing that is scary is when I turned it back on, It just said I'm on my way and shut off again. Lesson-NEVER PLAY HALO GAMES [spoiler]This is my attempt at a Halo creepypasta I love every Halo and this story came from an Idea me and my friend had back in the summer of 2012[/spoiler]

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