Bungie, you have made great games. My first real halo game was Halo Reach, and I am a huge fan. But I really think that you have overshot your expectations with Destiny. From where I'm at as a casual gamer, the game doesn't seem very well thought out in the PVE department. It's barely populated except by farmers and people who just got the game. I really think that the Crucible was a bad idea. I rarely see anyone in the tower, and the whole "social" aspect is quite lacking. Also, make up your mind with the whole matchmaking online thing. Either have the whole game PS PLUS or XBL, or have nothing at all. The gameplay seems limited to find this, shoot that, protect that, and I don't like that. The game is lacking, and I feel sorry for the people who blindly defend this game, and don't see any negatives. I'm putting this in #Destiny and #Bungie as well.
With good luck to you and Destiny,
Did this go in #Feedback already where they'd see it?