originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Gear sabre
Gtag meta013 Add me
doing trails need 1 must be atleast 310 light and must have mic message zubzeh to join and know what ur doing
Doing normal/hard oryx challenge -touch of malice -experienced Hunter: light 301 Titan: light 314 Gamertag Xbox 360: Drenxi Invite me
Looking to do any raid message FlamingEsclipe have 304 light warlock
Edited by Otomo Tetsuo: 2/11/2016 2:40:26 AM
Yo ill play kf invite me
Ill play gt is WaffleKing543
Looking for Xb 360 raid group!!! 295 Hunter Gt: XxSRSbr00talxX
Need 3 for vog msg Arrow5098777786 for invite
Edited by ViciousDragon90: 12/6/2015 1:11:10 AMI need anyone for Xbox 360 oryx normal mode raid if u wanna do it message me
[quote]Need a fire team for fresh oryx normal if interested message my GT above
[quote]Need a fire team for fresh oryx normal if interested message my GT above
Hard Kings fall totems 310+ Please have a black spindle Need 1 more Xbox 360 Gamer tag is same as above
Hard Kings fall fresh 310+ Please have a black spindle Need 2 more Xbox 360 Gamer tag is same as above
kings fall need a experienced raid team 290+ message me on xbox 360 @EnTev
Looking for 4 people normal Crotas end
Need one for trials. Nothing crazy just getting the bounties all knocked out. Msg ThatsMrDaBeas2U
Anyone wanna do 35 PoE? Msg me for an invite
Kings Fall (Heroic) 310+ Must have experience! Touch of Malice Required Black Spindle or High Impact Sniper Message for invite! GT: Nacqams
Need 1 hard warpriest
When? Gt : Marquis 216
Need people for trials. Be at least a 300+ with good pvp weapons. Msg killazone8795. Have a mic. I am looking to go flawless. XBOX 360.