originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Crota death singer cp message me for a invite GT: Attack Riley
Need 4 more vog hard fresh message deadmen1038 for invite (360)
Hard deathsinger GT is same as name above
Need two, have 4 for HM Vault of Glass. We all have mics, we have two 32s and 2 31s. If you're 29, try your luck if we need one more. Message me for invite with level.
Croat normal fresh message me if you want to join GT: Attack Riley
Need 1 hard Crota cp
Hard fresh crotas end message Alex2yfire for invite for invite
Need 3 hard crota fresh msg for invite
Death singer Hard Cp Need 5 message for invite Message for invite
Need 5 for atheon hard cp message gt above for invite
gatekeeper normal msg me
32 Titan and 31 warlock for hard crota cp. gt same as above.
Need 2 VoG hard fresh. Gt same
Need 3 more a Titan with bubble and a good sword bearer for hard crota CP 32+ my GT: buggzy495
Need 3 more for hard crota Titan bubble needed 32+ my GT: buggzy495
Hard crota cp must be 32 swordbearer with Mic gt DEXXAL
Crota nm lf4m bridge need sword bearer message for invite
Need 4 for bridge checkpoint normal mode message for invite
Hard Oracle Cp Need 5 Level 30+ Msg gt above for inv
Hard crota cp need 4 32 and swordbearer with Mic gt DEXXAL
Looking for 5 level +31 to do fresh Crota normal or a cp if someone has one? Msg me for inv
Hard oracle checkpoint message DeadlyKnight102
Crota normal fresh 31+ Gamertag is same
Hard crota at crota cp need 5 Message NIGHTMARExSNAKE
Looking for a team to do hard VoG at conflux cp mssg username for inv
Hard crota cp must be 32 swordbearer with Mic gt DEXXAL