originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Crota normal at crota cp Need 2 Gt same as above
need 2 for nightfall lvl 31+. be ready with weapons and all msg OG Jxson for inv
Hard crota cp 32+ need to be very experienced and have hunger or gally msg for invite !
Need 3 for hard crota cp message ErZa Rainz for a invite plaease be a 32 or 31 with a decent weapon
Need 5 lvl 30+ for hard VoG from gatekeeper. GT: FSGV msg for invite
Looking to do hard vog fresh,lvl 32 hunter. Gt same as name
Hosting vog hard templar cp message for inv 30+
Level 32 warlock looking for fresh crota normal have maxed gally inv
Hard crota cp
Doing Crota Hard 32+ fresh need mic experience gt same as above message me for invite galley and swordbear if possible
Level 32 Titan looking for hard Crota cp. gt same as here.
Anybody wanna do nightfall? 32 titan. Gt same as above
Hard Atheon Cp Need 5 Gt same as above
Need swordbearer for hard crota cp gt same message on xbl for invite
Need 2 ppl for Templar cp on hard gt is mob Ibn
Crota cp need 4 and a swordbearer. Must he 31+ with good rockets. Gt same message for invite.
Crota cp need 4 and a swordbearer. Must he 31+ with good rockets. Gt same message for invite.
Need 1 more for fresh Crotas End run on hard Levels 31-32 only please Message GT: Jeff Saturday for an invite
Death singer cp normal need sword bearer and 3 players gt rises from ash
Need a full team for VOG Hard on atheon CP. msg for invite and Gt same as above.
Starting a fresh Crotas End run on hard Levels 31-32 only please Message GT: Jeff Saturday for an invite
Doing Crota fresh normal msg for inv gt above must be 31+
LFG for VoG Normal run. Toss me an invite through Xbox my tag is same as name.
I'm a Lvl 30 warlock need sword bearer and 4 players preferably lvl 32 for Crotas fresh run on hard gt rises from ash
Nightfall need 1 more Message MrLoonyPenguinn for inv
Lvl 32 swordbearer helping with crota cp on normal only invite gt above