originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Lvl 32 swordbearer helping with crota cp on normal only invite gt above
Fresh VoG on Hard. Two lvl32s LF four lvl32s with Icebreaker/Blackhammer/Oracle Disruptors. Must have mics! Balls must have dropped! RIP eardrums! msg BONESLOP or XRAXSPOKENBEAST for invite!
Hard VoG Templar Checkpoint
Level 31 Hunter with gjallarhorn and raid gear. If you need me please message me. Raids only please
Hosting crota hard crota cp, must be 32 with max HOC or gally, message awaller41 for invite
Lvl 32 for fresh normal or hard vog gt chemicalxepher
Need 2 more Oracle cp on hard msg chief8901 for an invite
Need 2 for hard deathsinger message k1llj0y300
Need 4 for normal gorgon VOG save. 28+. Knowledge would help. GT same as name
Need people 30+ for Crota normal on Crota cp msg for inv gt is Forzania
Nightfall just outside Omnigul cp, need 1, message live for inv
Need 5 more Oracle cp on hard msg chief8901 for an invite
Need 3 more level 30+ for Atheon Hard checkpoint message gt BryanBFLYin for invite
Need 2 For Hard Fresh Crota
Vog hard mode must be level 30+
Vault of glass oracles hard. Message me for invite, gamertag same as above. 32 Warlock here. I can jump down and get the hidden left one.
Hosting crota cp on hard 31+ with tracking and a mic message on xbox live for invite. Same gt
2 with gally Looking for anywhere Templar or before hard checkpoint
Need 5 lvl 31+ for Crota fresh normal message me for inv my gt is as above
Vault of glass oracles hard. Message me for invite, gamertag same as above. 32 Hunter here. I can jump down and get the hidden left one.
Crota normal fresh you have to be level 31 and higher message me for a invite if you want to join GT: Attack Riley
Need 3 for hard crota cp message ErZa Rainz for a invite plaease be a 32 or 31 with a decent weapon
Crota normal fresh you have to be level 31 and higher message me for a invite if you want to join GT: Attack Riley
Edited by DJ CRAZY WOLF: 5/13/2015 10:20:50 PMNeed 2 for fresh normal VoG (360)
Looking for crota hard crota cp, 31 titan with max HOC. Invite awaller41 n xbox
Need 2 for Nightfall GT vinyl scopes