originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need a team for Crota Fresh normal or hard Swordbearer wanted and if we do hard we are going to need a titan. Message for invite. Gt same as above
Crota Normal at crota need 2 to finish him off msg RBZ ULTRA
Need 2 for nf msg MolokaiMoBettah
Starting a fresh VoG on hard. 30+ with good weapons and decent experience. Message me in game for invite.
Need one 34 with experience for PoE 35. Mic preferred!
- Trials of Osiris Team - 34+ - Exotic Emblem Required - Going Flawless - Mic Required - Gt same as above - Experience - No Assholes. - Don't Suck. - Message Me In Game on Xbox 360 - Need few more Join Up!
Vog hard friend me
Need one at skolas 34+ Must have done skolas before Max gally Experience Mic And max weapons Msg on Xbox 360 gt same as above
Need 5 more for fresh hard crota msg me and you get inv my gt is G3niusss
Need one 34 for Nightfall, mic not required msg gt for inv
Need one at skolas 34+ Max gally Experience Mic And max weapons Msg on Xbox 360 gt same as above
Fresh normal Crota
Doing fresh hard Vault of Glass. 32+ message xx lil daygo xx for inv.
Atheon checkpoint hard. Need two GT same as above :)
Vog hard gt same as above
34 Titan need 2 experienced Raiders for quick VoG at conflux don't care about weapons or mics message on Xbox gt same as above
PoE 32, Need 2. Gt same as above
VOG NORMAL message BapeAttack for invite
Looking to join Poe 35 [b]AT SKOLAS[/b] Inv gt above ^^^
Hosting vog normal. I have no experience, but a friend who knows a lot and has lots of completions. Msg me on xbox 360 gt as above.
Looking to do Crota Raid on Hard I have one other person with me (a random) I am very very experienced swordbearer I could take him down in 2 swords. #NoProblem Just send me an invite and I'll join If you need just a swordbearer I could leave the party I'm in. #NoProblem
Crota normal Fresh start Need 4 players 32+ Experienced Gally Is a plus Message GanjaKilla420 x For a inv
32 poe message gt above for invite
Lf 3 more people for VOG hard,fresh.msg:MLGpeanutbutter
Need 2 nf
Need 2 vog hard templar cp 33+ gt same message for inv