originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 4 for hard crota fresh message ErZa Rainz for a invite
HARD CROTA'S END FROM CROTA level 32's message FurryMushroom for invite could do with a swordbarer
Level 29 hunter on Xbox 360 looking to do normal raids even night fall message me SSG Crimsion 7
VOG HARD FRESH.We need 3. 31+ only accepted.Must know all and use relique
Doing Vog on Norm. fresh run. Trying to get this done quickly, Need 5 Guardians with exp. in the Raid i.e. (No noobs). Mic is a must, Msg for inv. Gt is the same.
32 warlock looking to run vog hard fresh get same as name
Crota hard deathsinger checkpoint, must be 32 and max gally, message awaller41 on xbox for invite
2 32s maxed gally doing hard VOG or if anyone gotta a Templar or lower CP that would be good 30+ my GT: buggzy495
Need 3 lvl 31+ with VoG max weapons for fresh hard VoG gt same
Need 2 with gallys for hard crota CP. Titans preferred, we have a swordbearer. Msg Spaceball30 in game.
Looking for 4 32s for hard Crota FRESH Just have a mic and Gjallarhorn or Hunger of Crota Message me ONLY on xbox gt same as name
Looking for 4 32s for hard Crota FRESH Just have a mic and Gjallarhorn or Hunger of Crota Message me ONLY on xbox gt same as name
LF 5 guardians for fresh hard crota run. Msg:MLGpeanutbutter. (Must have a good rocket,not that one way tickler stuff)
Looking for a hard Oracle cp gt chief8901
Need1 more for fresh vog normal Msg gt: coco thunda69
I need 5 for normal Crota lantern checkpoint. must be 31 or above. Plan to do nightfall with all my characters after this as well. Message: middermim for invite. Thanks (:
Starting up a fresh VOG on Hard. 31+ Looking for ppl with gjallarhorns and experience. Will rotate characters at gorgon maze. 32 warlock max everything.
msg to join nightfall deadzone64
I need 5 for normal Crota lantern checkpoint. I am 32 warlock must be 31 or above. Plan to do with my Titan after as well. Message: middermim for invite.
Same as above
Need 2 for fresh vog normal
VoG HM Gatekeeper cp Message for inv JermsD
Need 4 for crota fresh normal I'm swordbearer I can get him down in one sword if you can down him three times. Msg for INV ENDxEternity
Fresh normal crota message Alex2yfire for invite for invite
VOG hard fresh, 31+ GT is above