originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
VOG hard fresh, 31+ GT is above
Crota normal fresh Be level 31+ Know what your doing Msg for invite
Looking for Crota hard 32 hunter with maxed Gally bh and woc
Lvl 32 titan with Gally in need of crota hard cp gamer tag same as above
LF 3 more people for fresh VOG hard run. Msg:MLGpeanutbutter
I require a nightfall team. Please message me if you'd care to assist
Need 5 for normal Crota at lantern checkpoint. I am 31 hunter must be 30 or above. Plan to do with my 32 warlock after as well. Message: middermim for invite.
Need 5 for HM CROTA CP Swordbearer and Titan needed Pls have a tracking rocket! GHORN PLS MSG me for inv. 👍
I need 3 more for Death singer Checkpoint Hard Level 32 only must have a maxed HoC or Gally
Hard crota cp msg xXNanoVOLTZXx for inv
Edited by Contest5: 5/12/2015 11:26:36 PMAbove
Need Two for vault normal fresh. Gt same as above.
XBOX360 Looking to do Crota on hard ANY cp is fine I have a mic GT: XGN FATAL FURY
Need a team to take out crota on normal get same as name
Need 2 more For nightfall must be 30+ Gt:Is Adaptz Xbox360
Need 1 More for crota hard cp! MSG Skysword57 for inv Need Titan!!!!!!
Need 5 for fresh normal crota. Must be 31+ with tracking rockets. Experience required and must have mic. NO KINDERGUARDIANS. Message for inv. GT same as name.
Need 2 for Night fall Mic please 30+ J3SUSROD3O
Lf 5 more guardians for fresh crota's end on hard. Must have decent tracking rockets. Msg:MLGpeanutbutter
Need 2 for Vog hard gatekeeper cp msg on game for invite
Doing vog hard fresh must know what to do 30+ gt same as above msg for ing
Need 1 for crota hard fresh
Lvl 31 looking for hard raids send invite to same GT
VOG gorgon chest cp normal need 2 message XTENDS
Lf four more people for fresh vog normal send me message for invite GT as above